The “most dangerous lonely” in the Marvel Universe is joining forces in a new thunderstorm* this summer* hilarious works – and yes, there is a title in the title, such as the next MCU Thunder Bolts*.
What is the meaning of the organism? Well, like a movie, we have to wait to know. But what we know is a lineup, which includes leaders black widows and winter soldiers, and team members Kali, light, Laura Kani Woolwin, Nimor, and Eddie Brook, who are currently massacred. We also know that the official title of Comic, New Thunderbols*will be written by Sam Humfreys and tin Lima.
The story began when the black widow and the winter soldier found a new threat called “clominati”. So far there is no word about whether the villain has nothing to do with the Tupac (the real heads will know), but it is dangerous that Marvel is very angry to collect some powerful and dangerous heroes of the universe, because they are apparently members of Alumni, the powerful of the Ultra, the powerful, the powerful, the powerful, the powerful, the Master, the Master.
“Winter Soldier – Kali Widow – Eddie Brook: Massacre” is threatening the world of the Alumni, and if they guess to work together, they will not stop like the original. Bucky and Natasha need allies who will do anything to remove copies – but hopefully they offer themselves to a team of people who are alive.
“I like every repetition of Thunderbolts.” I am happy to continue the proud tradition of franchise, powder, and in a new era. This Marvel is a group of the biggest corruption and loose cannons from different corners of the universe. With a super team submitting, inviting the right combination for the dining party. So I imagined a dangerous, unwanted, unpleasant,.