Michelle Ruff talks voicing Etna in Disgaea game, anime dub

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Voice actress Michelle Ruf spoke to the natural elite. The paste Sports and mobile phones series English.

Michelle Ruff talks voicing Etna in Disgaea game, anime dub

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Natural elite (Nir Regev): A famous repeatedly -moving character is raising voice Displays Antina, which promises to be a repetition of the series, is seen as a golden ticket in terms of sound acting, work? This is my understanding by interviewing on Kerry Seviji ‘Disgia 4 full+‘That statements do not provide further royalty.

Michelle Ruf: I mean, I won’t say ‘Golden Ticket’, I think it’s exaggerated. Just because as an actor we give a bit of auditions for things we never book and never see.

1 complete in Lahar, Atna, and Flone. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

1 complete in Lahar, Atna, and Flone. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Many of us can audition one hundred and maybe one character or 10 characters. When a character returns, it is good and it is amazing. But I don’t necessarily call it a ‘golden ticket’.

Display 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Display 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

You have to work on a daily basis to live in acting. So the ‘Golden Ticket’ comes in the same place, where you have set up yourself in the industry and are able to play more than one role and work on numerous projects. This is a ‘Golden Ticket’.

So much and in the flun, 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

So much and in the flun, 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Natural elite: How different would you say The paste Game franchise than a season The paste Anime Series?

Michelle Ruf: Generally, in any game you are doing, things are slightly faster. As you are taking two to three of a line, and you’re just going down the lines.

I The paste Mobile phones, it’s more story -based, and sometimes you also have sync issues. So it runs a little slowly.

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Mobile phones are usually a great time commitment. With a game you are usually going to a four -hour session.

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Natural elite: Wow, it’s really surprising to me. I thought it would be the opposite because your screams in sports and all kinds of miscellaneous non -dialog gaming sounds.

Michelle Ruf: No, no, in a mobile phone, it depends on how many lines you have. Like a video game, any video game, it is usually based on how many lines you have.

So much and dubbed mobile phones in the flun. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So much and dubbed mobile phones in the flun. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So we say that you have 150 lines, it is an hour, maybe an hour and an hour and a half. If this is not the time.

If your lines are finished by the original Japanese, and you have to fit this line within this time, you are about to carry 80 lines per hour. So it’s all a lot of calculations about how long your session is for sports.

Disgia mobile phones to get up in English dubs and live. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Disgia mobile phones to get up in English dubs and live. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Mobile phones, you are going on the basis of how many indicators you have in this script. And it used to happen before digital goods in the first day, we used to make about 25 25 indicators in an hour.

Now it is like 40. And 40 is slow, you know? You’re going in and you are getting out like 40 to 80 indicators for mobile phones equipment, depending on how difficult the lines are. If there are many breaths and efforts, such things.

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Natural elite: If you were offered to do ‘Disgia D3‘, Where it will be a full -time role instead of Atna Camio, will you need to weigh in the costs/benefits of other projects lost during this period?

Are the voice actors ever afraid to temporarily abandon a character in fear of losing someone else’s good?

Atna, Flon, and Lahar Dasgia D2: A bright darkness. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Atna, Flon, and Lahar Dasgia D2: A bright darkness. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Michelle Ruf: I mean I am not afraid to give up this role. If they offer me, will I play a role? Yes

You never know As long as they stay with the same licensing agent, they will usually keep the same cast.

Atta 1 in Dasgia 1 and the principals complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Atta 1 in Dasgia 1 and the principals complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

If the show or video game is moved to a different licensing agent, they usually want to bring a new cast so they can identify themselves.

But I mean as scheduling video games and mobile phones, studios are usually very flexible with scheduling equipment.

Get up in the Dusia Game Series. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Get up in the Dusia Game Series. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

So it’s not that I have to give up a job to do something else. Make the equipment schedule to do as much work as you do in your work week.

Dasia D2: A bright darkness. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Dasia D2: A bright darkness. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Natural elite: How much have you enjoyed to sound the unique brand of Atna and her comedy The paste?

Michelle Ruf: I love love The paste Mobile phones show and playing it is a breeze! I always have fun because it is just so much energy.

Anem English Dubbing Mecca Sanki in Ata. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Anem English Dubbing Mecca Sanki in Ata. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

I will restrict my The paste The video game session with the ETNA needs two hours to need it to need me a lot of energy.

With The paste I do in mobile phones for a long time. But the video game equipment, I was like, ‘I might go to this energy level for two hours?’

Atta spare storm completed in Dasgia 1. Screenshot Credit: Nir Regeev - Livegamemeals.com / Art Credit: Nippon Ichi Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Atta spare storm completed in Dasgia 1. Screenshot Credit: Nir Regeev – Livegamemeals.com / Art Credit: Nippon Ichi Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Natural elite: Do you still have to give auditions for most of the characters? Considering the list of your extraordinary set -up experience that you can do, are you generally told that they just come and give a voice to a character?

Michelle Ruf: I have never stopped audition! This is a gift when you are given a role without audition. It’s like a birthday gift.

In the Dusia Game Series, Atna, Lahar, and Flun. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

In the Dusia Game Series, Atna, Lahar, and Flun. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

I am called and booked for goods because people know me, but I still have to audition. It’s like 50/50, I would say.

I like to audition, audition is fun. To me, you have all these different roles down and you are like, ‘Let’s see what I can do with it!’ You know, this is a challenge.

Natural elite: Thanks Michelle!

Michelle Ruf: Thank you!

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

So much so that mobile phones are English. Art Credit: OLM, Inc. / Finage / Original Art Design by Takhito Herda and NIS

Michelle Ruff on Social Media:

Michelle Ruff Headshot

Michelle Ruff Headshot

You can follow the American voice actress Michelle Ruff TwitterFor, for, for,. InstagramFor, for, for,. FacebookAnd on it Official website!

Michelle is represented by rough The ability of the covenant. Business and booking can be inquired (E -mail reserved).

Flone, Atna, and Lahaal Artwork from the Dusia Game Series. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Flone, Atna, and Lahaal Artwork from the Dusia Game Series. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

More Diagia series interviews and reviews

Display 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Display 1 complete. Art Credit: Neptune Achy Software (NIS) / NIS USA

Make sure to read and see:

As for, as. Napoon Achi Software President Sohi Nicawa talks to Diagia (interview)

– Carrie Seva Tax Dusgia 4, Voice Acting (Video Interview)

– Pranny 1 and 2: Switch Review burst and reloaded

Disgia 4 full+ story line is highly relevant today

As for, as. Dasgia 4 Full+ Review: Endless Replay Value, Beautiful Art, Game Play

Diagia mobile phones series English. Art Credit: Vaccine Herda / Neptune Software (NIS)

Diagia mobile phones series English. Art Credit: Vaccine Herda / © 2003 Neptune Software (NIS)

See the Gaming and Gaming Interview Section for the latest exclusive interview with top talent in the English Dub industry!

– Relief Strategy RPG by buying re -developed ‘Dasgia Dark of Darks’ Disgia 1 full+! Become the Demon Prince of the Netherlands with a high shelf war system! The paste PC is also available on steam.

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