Mirror’s Edge on PC transformed with mod (FOV, Physx FPS, Arbitrary FPS, Texture, AA, Boosted shadows, LOD Bias, Audio, better Faith model, etc)

by pokogame

The mirror edge turns the game into an incredible PC version that is smooth like hell to play without any problem. Hell, you can also leave an undisclosed introduction and join the game directly. Regardless of the mouse and keyboard FOV support, as hell, you have anti -elastic and discretionary resolution.

For physics, physics runs 50 FPS, now you can run it on any FPS so it looks smooth and ancient (sorry 50xx users will still have to disable you)

Mirror’s Edge on PC transformed with mod (FOV, Physx FPS, Arbitrary FPS, Texture, AA, Boosted shadows, LOD Bias, Audio, better Faith model, etc)

A device for editing, setting and providing game fixes.

Screenshot_2024-09-21_155340. PNG

Allows a permanent FOV that remains after the resume of each level/game and does not break the Sky Box (Unlike the Cabbed FOV procedure). It also stops Fuvo’s behavior, which is set at 85 after death, and when using a sniper rifle allows the appropriate infected ads FOV. Nearly clipping aircraft can be optionally compensated on the applied FOV basis to minimize the camera/view model clipping. Fov-agnostic sensitivity can also be enabled to keep sensitivity to all FOV limits permanent.
Aspect ratio adjustment can be inserted by inserting your own custom aspect ratio (proportion cost or resolution accepted). Hover+ and WaT+ FV Scaleing is calculated while deviating from 16: 9. Note: Letter boxing/pull boxing will take place when the proportion of the applied aspect is not similar to the resolution and the ancestral proportion in your display game.
Adjustable Physics FPS value for clothing imitation (flags, construction tarps, strip curtain doors, etc.). In the mirror edge, clothing impressions are copied to the game -free rate from the game frames, otherwise known as the time stage. By default, the edge of the mirror uses 50 50 FPS value of physics clothing, which may appear sticky when using the reaction time or playing a game above 62 FPS cap. This tool allows you to explain the simulation rate of up to 300 FPS.
Individually adjusted graphical toes that are generally not accessible to the game, such as different post process effects, light maps, render resolution and more.

  • UE3 Console Inner
  • Functions of cheating and trainer
  • TD Game Version Selector
  • Moody Config Patch (a good alternative to meme)
  • Bind Manager of Command + Speedron Macros
  • High Resolution Text/UI Fix
  • Game Language Switcher
  • The PS3 button indicates
  • Permanent mouse sensitivity
  • Fast Startup
  • Opelle soft audio up grader
  • Different other qol



Even the UI resolution has been increased. It’s just very good and perfect. PC version which he deserves

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