Tales adventure, a rare game gear title, packs a unique cartoon at $ 500 for collectors.
The Sonic Hedgehog Master System is the most expensive NTSC Sonic game due to short printing on 3 633 in the United States.
Throughout the history of gaming, there have been four major manufacturers of the console, but no one does it now. The company is Siga, in which Sonic Hedge Hag is as its showbunker. Blue Bloor has been going on for more than 30 years and has many games that you can bet that there are a ton of rare titles.

Every voice game where you can play as Shadow Hedge Hag
Sonic’s too much edition rival is getting some of the spotlight recently getting something, so let’s see a group of sports where you can take “chaos control”
Rare games are amazingly diverse. There are many rare handhelds, camic titles, combo packs, or even games that are recently in the price balloon. Keep in mind that the main character does not have to be sound, either, because many side characters have their own game.
Are based on all values pricacharting Full price at the time of writing.
Sound hedgehog pocket adventure – 1 161
One of the highest -ranked Sonic Games
A great fan favorite system, but also a one that is collecting pain, is the color of the geo -pocket. Such a system, or segauling, requires incredible amount to complete the entire set, but at least the Sonic Hedge Hag Hagb is not the most rare in the adventure console.
A critically praised Sonic Game, which had the pursuit of Nines and tens across the board, was the first great Sonic title on a handheld, paving the way for a fine advanced series on the GBA. With a large sect of New Geo Pocket Color, a full box copy will not be cheaper.
Sound R – 9 179
Trying to get this game usually results in dead heads
Along with Sonic 06, Sonic R should be one of the most notoriously defective Sonic Games. Specifically, since the PC Port, the Sega Saturday version has solved many issues.
Although it is noteworthy for its poor standards, Sonic R also had great music, but, the most notorious, the introduction of the Crypesta Legend Telseial doll. Since the first release was the title of a Saturn, a game library in which you primarily need to contact your bank so that they can be informed of the major allegations, it is very expensive but not rare on Saturn.
Sound maze – $ 210
A very unusual game gear title
In the fall of 1995, many game gear titles were released, and they have become extraordinary collector items nowadays. One of them is Sonic Maze, which is a puzzle game similar to the Sonic 3D blast.
It is not too fun to play, and it is worse than the 3D blast, clearly, how slow sound control. Since the game gear has shown financial reduction in terms of sales, especially by the end of 1995, these handful of sound games are very unusual.
Sounds of Sound – 7 227
Teser for what will happen in Sonic 3D
Sonic Jam is another seagar game, but this time, another interesting reason is why it is so expensive. Sonic 1, 2, and 3 & Nickels, a combination containing Sonic Jam, is particularly noteworthy for the feature of a full 3D hub world, which gives sound fans the taste of what the 3D Sonic game will be.

15 Forgiving Sound Hedge Hogg Games
And not the only one who prefers to forget you.
Finally, a 3D Sonic game never happened on Saturn and eventually the last home console of the Siga will arrive at the Dreams. This 3D Sonic Teaser was great for fans, which made the jam on the system a rare voice game.
Sound Adventure 2 – 9 229
Sound 3 hype is real
Sonic Hedge Hag 3 Movie was a huge success, but sometimes what happens to these new video game movies or shows is that they balloon at the expense of current sports. See how the Xbox 360 Fallout: Hit Amazon Prime Series After the New Vegas Collector’s edition balloon the price.
Fairly, the sound adventure was always a high -end game in the $ 100 range due to the title of 2 late Dreams, but Sonic 3 pushed it to the moon. In November 2024, a full box copy was $ 139. Now it is 929. It’s wild, but like all these pricing balloons for shows or movies, they will eventually fall at the price.
Naxalz’s Chattex – 8 288
Siga’s 32 -bit ed to the most notable game for
Unlike Sonic Adventure 2 for the Dreams, the Nickels’ chunks have always been demanding more because of the most desirable game for CEGA 32X. Anyway, it’s the most desirable game to play, because it is a real hidden mini that is a lot of fun after becoming accustomed to mechanics.
In addition, Naxalles’ Zites introduced many repeated roles in the Sonic Universe, such as vector the crocodile and Charmi bee. These notable first films, along with its release on the failed 32X -on -Siga 32X -on -the -way, are the main reasons why the knot’s chatics have been in demand for more than decades.
Telse adventure – $ 500
Packs your own game of tail quite rare cartoon
The rare game gear title is not a voice game, but a tail. The tellas adventure proves to be unique in the Sonic Games of this period. Yes, this is a plateframeter, but not a common, because there are several elements of the adventure game, such as access to new areas, backback tracking.
Some say that this is Metrodonia, but it is a huge limit. About the game Nes is equivalent to the classic bionic commando. It is rare, such as the second late game gear titles of 1995, but makes it more valuable to those who collect the uniqueness of tail adventures.
Sonic Hedge Hogm Master System – 3 633
A big difference between Paul and NTSC
Many sound fans may forget that the original Sonic Game was released not only for Siga Genius but also for the master system. The NTSC version of Master System Sonic 1 is very expensive for several reasons. For one, it is a real sound game, which is very important.

Best Handheld Sonic Games
Although the console release of Sonic Hedge Hag has been reacted for decades, handheld games for Sonic have been a constant standard.
Second, Siga did not print many copies in the region, as the master system flopped in the United States, and there was more traction than birth. In comparison, Paul Region copies go for only $ 30 as the master system was still performing well in Europe, so Siga sent a ton of more copies there. With the history of short printing many late US master system games in Sega history, it is understood why it is so low.
Sound Adventure 2 Pack – 61 761
Game Cube Cumbo Pack does not get messed around
Of all the consoles in the history of gaming, the game cube is the only one with a large part of its rare titles containing combo packs. These were built for stores in which inventory was overcrowered so that they could sell many of them quickly so that they could be sold quickly.
That is why almost all of them, including Sonic Adventure 2 Pack, have a player selection label, which was at low prices a day. Although the game cube is now a hot commodity, he sold poorly, making it a rare combination pack even more valuable. However, there is a combo pack, it is the least of them.
Sound Hero and Super Monkey Hair Pair Pack -, 4,350
Not only a rare sound game but the rare game cube title so far
The sound hero and the original super monkey’s hair looks like a strange pair for the combo pack, but it makes sense because they are both kids friendly segaes games. There was a similar scroll pack for the Xbox.
In particular, what is dirty about this product is that only 7,500 copies were allegedly made. This is a ridiculous number of units and possibly the smallest print run for the game cube title. Just with this matriculation, this combo pack is the most rare sound game at a distance of a mile.

Sonic Adventure: Best Level in Series, Classification
These levels are excellent in Sonic Adventure.