Netflix’s Dead Talents Society does what Beetlejuice 2 failed to do

by pokogame

For the fans of Tim Burton’s 1998 humor Beatlajois2024 sequel Beatlajois Betloguevis Old memories have a fun practice, re -connecting characters who have not been on the big screen in 35 years. Michael Cotton, Winona Rider, and Catherine and Hara make their role alive from the first filmFor, for, for,. Even if their characters are reduced and ignored. But Batljovis 2 Most of the exercises in echoing the past are: the thing that is lost is traumatic and surprising that has come up with the construction of the first film, a sense of innovation, novelty, and subversive humor and the despair of the subsequent life.

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For all these elements, Beatlajois Fans should refer to the horror comedy Dead Talent SocietyStreaming on Netflix now.

Director John Husseo (2019 Screen Adaptation Video Game Super Fan Custody) Elements a lot of elements in channels Dead Talent Society The audience keeps guessing, and ensures that the social sarcasm will feel different from the scene to another. Whether it is lamponing talk shows, influential personalities and videos, lifestyle reality TV, competitive shows, or ghost chaster programs, the thread of every story returns to a handful of ghosts in the pursuit of fame and fortune-and trying to become a cosmic story.

The superstar Catherine (Sanderin Panas), who ruled “Ghosts”, has received the Golden Gust Awards and widespread appreciation because a classic hotel’s Hunting as a contradictory Dewa. But his Protection Jessica (Eleven Yao) has recently surpassed it with a new innovation among frightened humans: a viral internet video that allows Jessica to get out of people’s computer so that one of them can scare the nasty. When their enmity is getting heated, a freshly dead young woman has been identified as “Gangalbaz” (Gangal Wang), but she finds out that she lacks the presence or confidence to intimidate people.

The failure of the ghost audition and its cranks, half -hearted efforts, has left its existence at risk. The ghosts are linked to the living world by important objects, and is lost, so they will soon be involved in something. She can only continue when she is profitable for a predatory corporation, which will give her a pass to continue her dialogue with the world of life.

Focus and the world’s greatest celebrities took back Pixer’s dynamic favorite when he was frightened as a currency. Monsters, Inc.But HSU and co -author Tasai Kin Lin is referring to him more than that. Real urban legends, for decades draw Asian horror cinema, viral online videos, pop-ideologies videos, and reality TV, they combine with a crazy mood with another madness. They follow a three -way competition through a variety of lenses between Catherine, Jessica, and the shopkeepers, as it is mostly a series of TV shows that other ghosts are watching.

Citizens Legend Ghost Catherine (Sanderin Pinna) is in a red hotel room to intimidate a guest at the dead talent Society, screams and white eyes, screams and white eyes.

Photo: Sony’s Photo International Production

It is a chaos point, but also of a high energy, which is full of stupid gigs and refining imagination, which produces films like roaming in domestic homes. Thumb And Which on: Ranjish For Jessica’s sharp red dress, Satoshi Kon’s mobile phones are taken from the last act of the classic Perfect blue. Dead Talent Society At the same time there is a media sarcasm and an under -dug story, as the two -fold teams are led by a group of mismanagements, headed by a tough positive talent agent Macoto (Chen Bowen). Mighty, they seek to save Catherine’s career, patronize Jessica, patronize Jessica, and to keep them in corruption.

The steaks are loud, but HSU’s view of developing the biggest action series as a reality competition shows or fun shows gives the entire film a unanimous, stupid tone and allows it to work at the speed of an end. It is difficult to pull the good horror comedy, but Husseo found his balance by steering a hard -working comedy on fake blood.

There are messages to work here that many people are hungry these days, but only by chasing trends and employing the tricks can only get online attention, and any identities and claping that they feel a little hollow and lonely. But the film never tightens these notes to make them mid -mid -mid – Beatlajois Gothic teen feels like a serious search for isolation and loss for Lidia. The feelings of frustration and fear of the deceased are so authentic that the film is a little sympathetic to the film.

Instead, HSU’s film film, along with its early career Ramboncates, is strange, as well as some sympathy of Burton, as well as a suitable part of the media’s humor and digs into a culture of influence. Without feeling the imitation or debt of the world of Burton, HSU and Social Lin reach a similar place, where the biggest disappointment of dying is how much life is resembling real life, although a twisted technical house turns the whole story into a carnival.

Dead Talent Society Now running on Netflix.

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