No man’s Sky returned his ‘Worlds Part II’ updates in January, with space adventures treated more amazing things than new solar systems, biomes, regions and a flag. This week, in an attempt to evacuate some crews, developer Hello Games has released a hotfix to achieve the latest update in the tip -top condition.
As is usually a matter of NMS hot fixes, this time a lot of changes come from user information issues. This is a long list of insects that Sean Murray and partner. The procedure has been removed from the galaxy and when the patch is not yet on the switch (it has already been launched on steam), the giant assures us that it will “come to other platforms as soon as possible”-so keep watching the stars.
Was shared on the full patch note No man’s Sky websiteAnd We have gathered them so that you can check below.
No man’s sky. 5.58 (released on March 4, 2025)
Big Fixes
- Set a problem that prevents the completion of the chronic campaign milestone if Randizus milestone automatically.
- The players could not know the combination of the region’s manipulation in the Titan campaign.
- A problem was settled that led to the text of the mission to mislead a storm crystal for a campaign.
- A rare mission blocked in a large number of dark numbers.
- Several rare mission blockers have set up, which can allow players to receive misconduct recipes during the multi -multi -faceted multi.
- Set a problem that could cause the other mission marker to maintain a marker when a large number of darknesses are not required.
- A rare blocker set the steeller in multi -toddas where polo will offer a wrong dialogue.
- A problem was resolved that causes the rebel star mission under the head to get caught up after escaping from the sanitians.
- Settled several minor issues of the mission that could occur when switching to a new settlement.
- A rare mission blocker set a blocker that can prevent players from receiving an alternative radian brain from the metal in metal.
- A rare mission blocked among the returning people.
- A problem was settled that could fail to spread the sanitary walkers.
- A problem was settled that could fail to collide properly with the base building hologram surface.
- Players can now archive their current stars or multi -tools, unless it’s the only left.
- Settlement of a number of rare problems related to the Atlas Station.
- A problem was resolved that prevented the players from restoring the solar ships in the Starring Customer.
- Settlement of several issues after the exchange of ships with the NPC.
- A problem was settled that could make the players pop at the surface while swimming on the moon.
- If the players die in the midwife while living on a planet, their tomb will now spread to the planet’s surface.
- S. Wing set a text problem along the part of the Maglith engine ship.
- Reloading the Bani Safe within an Xerocrat will no longer keep you out of it.
- Set a problem that prevented the quick menu from becoming accessible to the quick menu when using the Sweep Quick/Blood Menhip option.
- Set a problem that stopped the complete range of the region’s manipulation methods when accessible during an exemption.
- Set a problem that stopped hotkies that were properly rescued for Manotor AI.
- A problem was settled that led to Manutore sank in his geuba.
- It settled a problem that caused a slight dive when using the keyboard to visit Natilin on a quick menu.
- Pilot of nutleen on the water level brought many improvements in happiness and control.
- A significant number of improvements in the visual effects of Natilone made.
- One of the issues where a campaign prize multi tool will be rewarded with a custom name.
- Set a problem that caused some inventory to be set up to clip from the edge of the tips screen.
- When changing the inventory pages, the extended tech or cargo inventors set a problem due to not properly reset.
- Settlement a problem that causes some back bags to be rarely seen in the inventory.
- Analyzer now detects local weather irregularities.
- The crabs can now be adopted as a player partner.
- Settled a problem that caused the “new planet to be discovered” UI could be squash by Savings UI.
- Several audio issues in the loading star field.
- A minor moving error was fixed when using the analysis.
- At the same time, wearing a cap and another cloth item set up many trimming problems.
- A minor visual malfunction with certain barren trees.
- A minor visual malfunction with certain lush trees.
- Several rare visual problems with water offer.
- Settlement of a problem that caused some major planets to end immediately after the spread.
- When the photo mode is in the mood, set many visual problems with the foam.
- Setting up several minor visual problems, presenting the planet environment.
- Settlement of several minor visual problems with a metal level offer.
- Settlement of a problem that causes the effects of water to appear above the surface.
- Defeated a visual malfunction that can occur while loading the PC in the game while the opposite tabed on a different window.
- Settlement a problem that could lead to the loading starfield.
- A problem was settled that could lead to a speedy moving in front of some starchy trails.
- In the page of the discovery, several minor visual defects were fixed with the exhibition of moons.
- Improved the quality of GTAO in PCVR.
- A problem was settled that shone when offering water in the VR.
- Settlement many gostings on the Xbox.
- Introducing an important memory correction for PlayStation 4.
- Settlement a problem that prevents the plants properly by nearby objects on the Mac.
- Settlement of many visual problems on Mac.
- Settlement of a specific performance problem at PlayStation 5.
- An accident was fixed at PlayStation 5 while playing the PlayStation 4 version of the NMS.
- Independent in the DATA data ranks has been improved to help authors integrate into moded data more easily. The index ID has now been clearly highlighted in the output of the Safe Out Moderate Option.
- A rare problem was resolved, which could result in an accident, which could result in an unlimited burden after claiming Turkish ships in the water world.
- Introducing an important memory correction for all platforms.
- A rare problem was resolved that could cause a soft lock when a galaxy opens after landing on a derial freer.
- Many rare accidents have been fixed.
Latest updates, more information about ‘Worlds Part II’, you can find the biggest addition to our coverage below.