‘No real human would go four links deep into a maze of AI-generated nonsense’: Cloudflare’s AI Labyrinth uses decoy pages to trap web-crawling bots and feed them slop ‘as a defensive weapon’

by pokogame

Various through webbuts. This is certainly no new thing, but now we are between our very favorite AI revolution (you like it, right?) Many websites are permanently ringing by boats, which aims to scare their valuable data to train AI content. Cloud Flair believes that may be resolved, however, its new announcement Ai maze The purpose of the tool is to take a fight to invasive boats using the “Generative AI as a defensive weapon”.

Cloud Flair says that AI crawlers produce more than 50 billion applications in its network every day – and when there are tools to stop them, these methods can inform the attackers that they have been seen, which causes them to change the view. Stuffy,

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