Various through webbuts. This is certainly no new thing, but now we are between our very favorite AI revolution (you like it, right?) Many websites are permanently ringing by boats, which aims to scare their valuable data to train AI content. Cloud Flair believes that may be resolved, however, its new announcement Ai maze The purpose of the tool is to take a fight to invasive boats using the “Generative AI as a defensive weapon”.
Cloud Flair says that AI crawlers produce more than 50 billion applications in its network every day – and when there are tools to stop them, these methods can inform the attackers that they have been seen, which causes them to change the view. Stuffy,
However, AI maze found the Bots from a series of AI -infield pages that are convinced to attract them, but there are no useful information.
Why? Okay, because they were certainly prepared by AI AI. Basically, it produces an AI slope, an orthodox of the slopes, where the boot waste valuable time and resources that drugs through useless materials rather than scratching something created by a real human.
“As an additional advantage, AI maze also acts as the next generation’s Honeypot, Cloud Flair says. No real human being goes to the maze of e-enlightenment nonsense.”
“Whoever comes is very likely to be a boot, so it gives us a new tool to identify and finger bad boats, which we include in the list of bad actors.”
This is a botes, all the way bots. AI-infolish “poisonous” content is connected in the form of hidden links to the current pages, which means that humans are unlikely to find but a web crawler is desired.
To double the human first angle, Cloud Flair also says that these links will only be included in the pages seen by the AI ​​suspects, so the rest of us should not feel that it is working in the background, and is fighting with some kind of batsman-Capid Crusader.
Activation of this device is an easy case for marking the checkbox in the cloud flair settings page, and to do the AI ​​maze, Tao Da. Cloud Flair says it is just the first repetition of this particular tech and encourages its customers to join the system so that it can be improved in the future.
However, I have a question. Given AI now, let’s face it, everywhere bloody, do we really believe that it will not have long -term effects on worsening its training process? It is important for me to turn to the blasphemous crawls, but I am surprised that if their training figures are affected in the future, it will lead to more and more AI models in the future.
Ah, screw it, I have talked to myself with my own anti -argument. Real human efforts need to do something about scratching infinite data, and I salute the smart thinking behind this particular defense device.
If I can give a suggestion, however, can we probably add a minor? All good maze needs one, and then I can write something like “Cloud Flair has caught the bull with horns and …”
Find your own heading there. Or, you know, get an AI to do this for you. Making jokes, joking. I probably should not feed my horrible jokes anyway.