One Of The Best, Most Overlooked Platformers Turns 30 Today

by pokogame

If you are ready to feel old, this week is celebrating the 30th anniversary of Kirby’s Dreamland 2. If you are not ready to feel old, leave this first sentence. Kirby’s Dreamland 2 is a strange video game, most people who have played this will agree that it is one of the best platforms so far, yet when it comes time for this conversation, it is often ignored. This week, since it turns the knees of the house becomes so old to the house, it is worth remembering.

His destiny in history books is like his showbunker – which is known as the icon of this gender, but rarely has been put into the Elite Company of Mario, Sonic Hedge Hag, Crash Bandicot and Spiro. Despite the longevity of Kirby (Games have told the story of a massive harmony since the real dream land in 1992), it falls among the cracks. Immediately recognizable personality and OG -breaking star, but Nintendo is not a big gun. Permanently high quality plateframers, but not symptoms of gender. Keeping the great sports out is very good. Then it seems that it is permanently willing to stop thinking. But no more.

Curby plateframers deserve to be on the upper table

One Of The Best, Most Overlooked Platformers Turns 30 Today

Kirby’s Dreamland 2, in any way, was a real result of the land of Kirby’s dreams. It was played and very similar, but after that the sequel came so close to the actual game that it was normal. In fact, although the adventure of Kirby was launched between two Dreamland Games, there were still only three years left between the duo. These days, it is seen as an unnecessary game – why is the dream land 2 when the dream land is present? But pursuing platforming with more perfection has no meaning.

In addition, Dreamland 2 had a major impact on Kirby myths – this was the first game to feature animal friends. Sequel Dreamland 3 joined the party with Rick, COO, and Ken (The Hamaster, Allow, and Fish) Dreamland 2, before giving us Nago, Pitch, and Chuchu (a cat, birds, and octops). They have appeared intermittently throughout the Kirby period, and it is always a pleasure to see it.


Now the time has come to bring back the Kirby Air Ride

Switch 2 Launch Game Cube Cub Kart Returning is the best time to return.

When we discuss the best platforms so far, many games are ready for the top space: Sonic Hedge Hag 2, Crash Bandicot 3: Warpad, Spiro 2: Ripo’s anger. Astroboat is the latest contender for the crown. Mario is probably the only character that can lead to many titles on the table while offering the world, 64, Galaxy, and Odyssey, and for its case, Argument Bruce 3. Kirby (which will probably represent best through adventure rather than the land of dreams) is rarely considered, but it should be.

Kirby’s simplicity is its greatest strength

Hamaster riding Kirby in Dreamland 2 in Kirby.

Kirby takes an incredibly easy idea and feels like a talented. He eats, he or she becomes. The immediate digestive (ha!) Should be run on the superstard, but whatever the pink color is always small. It may be that Kirby has been stuck much more than his 2D roots than Kirby Mario or Sonic. The Kirby and the forgotten land of 2022 was the first time that Kirby embraced the third dimension, and brought a new trick of half -eaten things with it, then shaping, saying, a car that can be driven around.

If we had seen such perseverance from Kirby in the middle of the 00s, then there may have been more evolution in this regard and thus it should be respected today. It certainly has some weak entries, and even for the Nintendo Series, it has been struggling to make the multi -player effective in any way, so it seems that all have removed their first, the world in the platform gender. The forgotten land was a start, and I hope we will see more progress from Kirby in Switch 2 Era.

He may have inherited the ability to innovate the Italian plumber and the Italian plumber. We know that Nintendo is able to advance the envelope, and the HAL Laboratory has not ignored Kirby. If anything, he has relied on Shubnkar a little, pulling it on all sides – out of 18 games of 18 games, 11 of them are Kirby titles, though most of the spin are off. But since the return of the Kirby dreams of 2023, the studio has been silent – hopefully it means taking a little time on the next big Kirby, and this is a title that is worthy of the planet’s pop star. Until then, we must remember the land of Kirby’s dreams 2.


Kirby’s dream land 2


March 21, 1995

Manufacturer (tongues)

Hall Laboratory

Publisher (tongues)


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