There is a blizzard Announced That he is once again cooperating with the pop group Lee Surfam, and giving new skins to the players to shopping for some of the selected roles. The cooperation will run between March 18 and 31.
There are new fearless legendary skins for mercy, DVA, Alari, Ashi, and Juno, as well as Blue Flame Recularly Furle for Kirico, DVA, Sumbra, Tracear, and Bridget. Players can buy each skin individually or all of them in ultra bundle together. The players will also have challenges to get more prizes, including legendary Foxy James Jenkart Vol.
It is unclear how much every skin costs, but individual skins in collaboration with the previous Le Surfam were 1,900 overs, which is slightly less than $ 20. (2,000 coins bundle is $ 20)
His first collaboration was returned in October 2023, when Lee Surfam prepared a special song for the game titled “Perfect Night”. In August 2024, the blizzard Bring back famous skinsAllow players to buy a certain hero bundle in 2,500 overwatch coins. It is unknown whether the first period of snowy skins will be brought back for this other cooperation.
For more over Watch 2 coverage, watch the game spot interview with a blizzard about how its sequel is earning “2” in his name. Lee Surfam’s upcoming mini album, hot, releases on March 14.