To celebrate 40 years of PAC Main’s release, commercial experiences and heads of gaming fan Mark Katmore detect the story of a very favorite character and pop culture icon.
This month, the controversial grandfather of gaming masks has been 40 years old, so take a look at why we have all been in the throat of PAC-Menia for the past four decades.
My love for the Little Yellow Circle began in 1990 with my cousin at the age of five, playing a very analog fashion, playing the MB Games Board Game Spin of Fashion. Ten years ago in May 1980, Namko started a public test of his new arcade game Pickman. Early opinions were positive, and this year, Namko took his new title for trade shows around the world. After a quick name change (American executive courtesy in the midway fear what the Vandals can turn this title) PAC Man Hit Arcades.
America welcomes this new title and PAC Man The increasing number of arcades across the country became a huge success. Within a year, more than 100,000 arcade units earned more than $ 1 billion in quarters. The cause of this success was a universal appeal. Creator Toro Ayotani felt that Arcade’s games are often violent at the moment and primarily appeal to men. He wanted to make a violent game, in the hope that his game would attract women and the couple to the arcades. The then revolutionary RGB color display allowed Avatani and his team to make attractive roles with bright colors, which helped bring new fans into gaming.

PAC Man has joined the screen through a collection of ghosts that chase it around the maze when he tries to embrace the dots. There are four important ghosts, ink, pink and clouds, familiar with their nicknames with Western audiences. These ghosts were programmed with a different personality and their Japanese names were indications of their behavior. While Okaki (Chasar) always chases the PAC Main around the maze, but the camagwari (dizziness) is dizzy, the PAC chases or is ambushed and sometimes rotates.

After his arcade success, PAC Man was converted into consoles for home video game audience. In the next 40 years, there is a large number of sequel, spin office, chair and remix. PAC Man has added more than 80 sports, selling more than 43 million units, worth more than $ 14 billion. On the way, he has enrolled in the 3D world, which includes every number of sports and introduced us to his family, PAC Man, Junior PAC Man and BBB PAC Mann. Its effects have taken it out of the sports world to act in cartoons, target singles, feature movies and be able to play their game. Google Doodle.
However, this has not always been a success story for PAC Man. At the height of popularity in 1982, Attari 2600 conversions were criticized for choosing its poor quality and strange design. Ati had produced 12 million cartridges but he only managed to sell 7 million. This resulted in the death of Attari, the 1983 Video Games crash and burial of thousands of non -selling cartridges at a secret landfall site.

Perhaps the biggest challenge for PAC Man’s fans is to achieve the perfect score in the original game. 256 of the gameThird There is a surface defect from which it is irrelevant, which means that it is possible to target all dots, fruits and ghosts, targeting a high score of 3,333,360 points. Less than ten people have acquired it on an original arcade unit, which enters record books rapidly in 3 hours, 28 minutes and 49 seconds.
With the Guinness World Records and dozens of sports of its name, the impact of PAC Main is partially designed to look like pizza with a slice, it is huge. Sequel Ms. PAC Man One of the first video games to present the leading role of women, and the franchise’s non -violent, colorful puzzles have made gaming accessible to people in the world. PAC Man has worked as an inspiration for sports and sports designers for 40 years and seems to continue for many years to come.
While many of us are currently spending more time at home, you can like to test your abilities to play and make the PAC main game. The world’s largest PACman There is an online source where you can design your maze and play on the masters created by others. To play half a million cases, consumers have eaten more than 263 million ghosts and more than 20 billion dot.