When the exile route first came to the ARPG scene, it was like an oasis in the desert. Diablo -2 had ruled for a long time because in this gender -going genre and Diablo 3 were still shaking the worst aspects of its notorious Rocky launch.
After more than 10 years, this is a very different story: Diablo 4 started much better than Diablo 3, and sports such as Lost Arc, Last Testament, and Serious Dawn, were far more fierce than ever before the initial access route to exile 2.
However, in an interview with the PC Gamer, the Path of Exile 2 Game Director Jonathan Rogers said that being a one -ARPG, which focuses on all is not really aimed at: “There is room for many different players in this genre. It does not need to have a game on you.”
Rogers said that their instability in the competition is partly due to a seasonal update format, which is the biggest ARPG participant these days, which encourages players to start new roles every few months and try the latest season and new mechanics.
Although many shooters and beetle Royal Games have war and similar seasons or similar setups, and such, Rogers noted that ARPG players considered it particularly good fit.
Rogers said, “(ARPGS) is one of the genders where the player community has accepted the idea of ​​this season where you play games for a while, you leave, you play something else, you come back and play in the next season.” “There is a type of expectation in this genre, one of the reasons for the fact that our point of view about it has affected many things like this.”
As long as the condition of things remains, Rogers think exile 2, Diablo 4, and others have the capacity to live together.
“I am fine with enough of other people’s (RPG from there),” he said. “Until people are ready to play our game four times a year for a month, I’m good.”
As far as his own feelings are concerned, Rogers says he does not really play them fully.
He said, “I play them a little, but honestly, I am not actually a person who has grinded the full end of many other action RPG.” “When I look at the game design inspiration, I usually see things out of my gender … I want to play, like, see civilization or anything else, and then look at what I can steal some interesting mechanics from it, on the contrary I can steal from other action RPG.”
It is certainly true that the ARPG has taken the seasonal form, without every diabetic game, without sports and without sports, the hot Don enjoys the seasons that are running from his community, and it is meaningful for this gender. Once you cut your character completely with the latest gobuns, what else to do but resume?
Since a person is permanently overwhelmed by all new direct service games that compete for my attention and take advantage of the fear of being lost to get it, I am glad that the path of exile 2 is not obliged to come for every waking moment.
The path of exile 2 is available to buy in early access SteamAnd the grinding gear games have just announced details about its first major update, which is coming soon.