Pokémon Go ‘Deep Depths’ event guide

by pokogame

Pokémon Go‘Deep depth ”event is focusing on water and dark type of pokemon and runs from 19-24 March.

There is also half a bonus of hatching for all eggs put in the incubators during the event, so make sure if you want egg hanging. The cloncher is making his shiny first film with “deep deepest” and the players will be able to find a shiny clon on the “rising rate”.

Cloncar and Klawszer with their shiny shapes in Pokémon Go. When they are shiny, they both turn red.

Graphic: Julia Lee/Polygon | Source pictures: Nentk

Is the center of the second focus of this event Pokémon Go The start of the neck, the dark type of fox Pokémon from the galller. There are some ways to catch the nickel from this event, so you should take the most of it and score coffee enough to catch and prepare it when you can.

Below we give a list of all facilities and bonuses Pokémon Go The “deep depth” event, including timed research sets, combination challenges, promoted sponsors, and more.

Research and rewards at the time of the Pokémon Go ‘Deep Deep

As usual, with such events, with the same name, there are both a paid and free research.

Is the salary “deeper” worth buying time research? Yes, the two super incubators that you receive as a reward cost only $ 2. If you are really burning for the naked and you don’t want to deal with the eggs or do not want to try it with it, this is also a guaranteed way to get it. Just make sure the event end the research on March 24 at 8pm (in your local time), or you will not be appreciated by research.

Below we list two research available during this event (first free, and then paid one).

‘Deep depth’ free time research

  • Catch 10 Water Type Pokémon (Clinical Encounter)
  • Catch 20 Water Type Pokémon (2,000 XP)
  • Discover 1 km (Cloncher Encounter)
  • Discover 2 km (2,000 stardist)
  • Spin 5 Pok Stop or Jim (5 Ultra Balls)

Apex: 1 rare candy, 2,000 xp, 2,000 stardist

  • 10 Dark Type Pokémon (Carwana Incounter) Catch
  • 20 Dark Type Pokémon (2,000 XP) Catch
  • Hach an egg (Allen Meth Encounter)
  • Hatch 3 eggs (2,000 stardists)
  • Beat a Team Go Rocket Gront (1 Max Review)
  • Defeat 3 Team Go Rocket Gronts (1 mysterious component)

Apex: 10 cobofu candy, 2,000 xp, 2,000 stardist

‘Deep depth’ premium timed research

  • 10 Pokémon (Clutter Encounter) Catch
  • 20 Pokémon (Clutter Encounter) Catch
  • Spin 2 Pok Stop or Jim (Cloncar Encounter)
  • Spin 4 Pok Stop or Jim (Cloncar Encounter)
  • Complete Field Research Tasks (Clinical Encounter)
  • Complete 2 Field Research Task (Clinical Encounter)
  • Discover 1 km (Cloncher Encounter)
  • Hach an egg (Cloneure Encounter)
  • Beat a team to rocket grint (nake incubator)
  • Beat 2 Team Go Rocket Gronts (1 Super Incubter)

Apex: Nickel Encounter, 1 Super Incubter, 1 Star Piece

Pokémon Go ‘Deep Deep’ event challenges to collect the event

The following collections will be flowing throughout the period of the event.

‘SEA-VOLUTION’ Collection Challenge

  • Catch a clutter
  • Prepare a clutter in a clutter
  • Hold a frillish-f
  • Prepare a Frelesh-F in the Gelisant-F
  • Catch a corefish
  • Prepare a Corfish in a Crawdont

Apex: Loumenon Encounter, 3,000 XP

‘Time -of -Time’ Collection Challenge

  • Catch a markro
  • Hold a purrolin
  • Catch a snastel
  • Catch a nick

Apex: Leapard Encounter, a thousand stardist

Pokémon Go ‘deep depth’ event field research and rewards

Rotate the Pok Stop during the period of the event can get one of these works:

  • 5 Dark Type Pokémon (Ellan Mew Math or Carwana Encounter)
  • 5 Water Type Pokémon (Freelash or Clutchar Encounter) Catch
  • Defeat 2 Team Go Rocket Gronts (Nick Incounter)
  • Hach an egg (Cloneure Encounter)

Pokémon Go ‘Deep depth’ event promoted dreams

During the event period this pokemon will spread more often:

  • Mule
  • sneasel
  • Caravish
  • Clempal
  • frillish
  • Clutter*
  • Rich

*As part of the event, there is a “growing opportunity” in the jungle to find this shiny.

Pokémon Go ‘deep depth’ event egg hatches

These Pokémon has the opportunity to hatch from 7 km eggs obtained during the event:

  • Gallen Carsula
  • Pyoniard
  • Clutter*
  • Rich

*There is a “growing opportunity” in Pokémon being shiny.

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