Some things through which I have broken DEMO To supply at all costs: Fire hydrants, surf boards, warehouse, a whole laundomet, street lamp, palm trees, garbage cans, several pedestrians, mailboxes, food stalls, fish markets, brick walls, a folklore, a lounge, a housewife, a lounge, and a luggage tower. This toy like a toy is proof of one thing. Almost every problem can be solved by directing the truck in the 1950s.
The delivery was announced at all costs in September last year, a delivery game that is a partial crazy taxi, part grand stolen auto. You play as an unemployed courier boy Winston, who is running strange jobs for the delivery company with some scandal administration. The trailer showed a great deal of environmental disaster that the dirty sand coacker was interesting inside me. Now he has a demo out for the steam festival, and I can confirm: it is nice to break it.
Thanks to driving it is in large part. A isometric-ish view can work a particular magic on the driving game, I have often found. It makes the cars feel like a toy, as if you run your hot wheel with a height. This is the case here. This helps that the movement of the car itself is smooth and satisfying. You flow into cheerful curves, your speed does not go so fast that you can’t keep an eye on what to come, and a certain amount of helper brakes automatically applied to the bending process.
In the 1950s, a fantasy tropical area of ​​the United States – You have a little story on the island of St. Monk. The first mission will be seen by you to present a fireworks explosion in the island, threatening to pop your wheels if you kill the runaway. But that’s fine. You can easily exit and repair your wheel with tools.
This and forgiveness, Reston, makes me realize that this tire smoking is more interested in the gigs that they can produce through careless delivery, throwing big challenges in your way. But the next mission is at least a bit difficult. When you run on the pit or take a corner very fast, you need to run 60 smelly watermelon in a pesticide plant.

I spent a large portion of the demo completely ignoring the story mode, instead of chosen to find five zones already in the Demo’s five zones. I broke through the greenhouses along the tropical coast of a region and flashed from another industrial district trained, factories and sheds. There are also side missions that you can chat with citizens (the mayor wants me to find doubled his body because it cannot be included in the budget meetings itself).
As far as GTA is like, well, it is not so hungry for raw violence. You can run on pedestrians, but they are harmless as infinite ragols. However, they will be angry and chas you with baseball bats, and if you step out the car to face them, you will throw you to the ground. You can’t hijack any car that drives around the road, but any steep car is a fair game. I also wandered into the phone booth and used it to remember the company’s truck, but till this stage it was more chaotic that the streets were to source to my next fans worker.
I greatly appreciate it when a game breaks the right “gamefall” for its theme, and going through a demo at all costs this slip slides micro machines. There is no release date in the full game yet. But we will tell you when it’s out for delivery.