On the balance, there are two things that I am always ready to read. One of these things is that at any time, with some educational type discovers oil painting in an X -ray machine or something like this and all these mysteries in under -painting. The path was not taken or half was taken. Forgotten faces are suddenly getting out of brown joke, black eyes are burning.
The other thing makes the same part of my brain tickle. We are in Egypt, in Giza, and some educational types have used some ground pressure imaging to indicate the parts discovered within the great pyramids. They talk about the houses and the causes that we cannot reach, and consider why they can be there and what can happen to them. Again, I am in the magical, lightning land that is a Streinted Gray Mercy, Black Eyes, Burning, and some ancient personality turns to us.
They all say, I like the most about Egypt’s pyramids. We have ideas, and probably excellent ideas, but it still has a mystery fever. How? Why? And what? These are the questions I almost hope that we never solve, because they are just very interesting to consider.
And this is the world in which the generation of the killers is the beginning. Is the originality the best murderer? I couldn’t tell you. Although this is my favorite, partially due to the main character – although this series is nothing short of great leads, and cassandra from Odyssey is all right – but mainly because of its setting. Egypt! Finally, the series has reached the pyramids, where it has always been concerned.
Even though it is. Organization was not kept in Egypt when the pyramids were freshly built, and in fact, this would probably be the only biggest decision of the developers. It is Egypt in 49 BC. This is a toolimic Egypt. Greek is in charge, some of me do not fully understand, and Roman is threatening to be invaded. The bike, which is a wonderful, commendable lead of the game, can read Hyrridgephics, but he has to remind himself of how to do it. And the pyramids are already old – dizziness, understanding out of understanding.

There are many amazing things about the reality. The bike is great, a kind of local Egyptian sheriff that is drawn to the heart of something big and terrifying. His wife is even better, sheer charisma, warmth and danger are shared. Between the video games and all their battles and ruins, it’s a pleasure to find a couple who really love each other. He has come and came. It’s a pleasure – The spoilers – Playing as an IA for a while, and this is a real sensation in the later game (though probably in Odyssey, all of this is blurred with this series) so that a statue of a statistics that I have become a phenomenon, is seen as wrong and granuous before the passage. The past of the past and all this.
Beyond that, it is Egypt itself, which is a huge part of the region. It is full of things that will like the fans of history. When I first arrived at Alexandria and her library, I took a hug, and when I learned that the design team had set up my building on a real ancient library. I liked a mission that took me to the places where Natron was working with salt, because Nutron was used in salt mixture and it gives a kind of star power. More than anything, I liked the feeling of human life. It is easy to see the empty tombs and temples of Egypt, and to photograph a pepper culture where life was about death. But these tombs and temples always come with labor grafts, signs and signs of people of every day and their symbols that had their own life and their own concerns. Haasan’s belief is a type of series where Ubesoft spends the good fortune of Pharaoh on every episode, yet it not only spends on buildings and monuments that the Pharaohs loved, but also spent the mess of these worlds on the disturbances and chastisement of the people who are alive. It is a pleasure to see this thing.

I say all this – and I mean! – But on my first playth of the game, I was focused on pyramids. I was closed. I couldn’t shake. And in the same way, of course, the Organization has put them a bit behind. A offer on the bike’s home turf. A slight tragedy and revenge, and a glimpse, inevitably, one of the many ancient artifacts of the game – an apple, I think? The deadly disorder behind the Atlantin or Cooper Belt or whatever they are in this particular universe has left.
Again We find pyramids. And I remember thinking that Ubisoft actually. Has it done Great worry was really worked. Since pyramids are ancient to us, it is completely compatible that they are also ancient bikes. We double with him because he searches them, we are fine with him, in the sense that we are both thinking and feeling. He loves the greatness of this place, the inadvertent nature of these buildings, a feeling of deep time he turns away. He is surprised that the spinning is not big. He leads to great pyramids, I believe, through a tunnel that is hacked – may not still use the same tunnel visitors today, but the implementation of modern human desire on these wide, strange buildings is the same.
I have gone to the great pyramid. Give me a few hours and I think I have some pictures in a box somewhere: I have to go down to one of the tunnels going upside down, where you just have to go down to move forward, and a horrible, useless snapshot of the Grand Gallery without any flash – it doesn’t help.

It was in the late 1990s when I was a student. My memories are already starting in the field – they already feel ancient for me – but what I remember very clearly was reaching the Grand Gallery and feeling a separate peng, which was a sense of happiness and surprise and sadness. This equipment is incredible – the Grand Gallery, a way of the king’s chamber that opens and screams to a great extent to its sense of important meaning, which is very difficult to guess, maybe I am the most thrilling place ever. But I thought at that time: I am not Egyptian. I am not living near this incredible place most of the time. I can never really find the proper idea of ​​this place. I will always pass. For a building that can feel made of time, if it makes sense, I knew I had the best in an hour. I was nineteen years old, and I will never return it here. (No, of course., That at that time there was a major purpose of being there, behind holding a row and taking 35 mm pictures, which was unlikely to come out properly.)
And so it is safe to say that I have actually come up with my own engagement. Here was a Grand Gallery that I could place in my home in East Sussex, and without stealing anything or committing international art crime. And that too I like the treatment of pyramids. They play it very straightforward – to a point. And likewise the bike goes through the lower chambers where it has to rotate. I tell myself that I can remember the feeling of such a rock, feel the walls, or with this sudden patch. He emerged in the Grand Gallery and I could try to make my triangle a triangle there with my fading memories on this path. Lying ahead – of course – the king’s chamber. Or does it do? Did I turn? He did?

Oregon has its own designs, and it needs to use pyramids in a part of its great story line. Now even the game is starting to end in my memories, but I remember going down with a bike on one occasion and finding a deepening place deep under the pyramids full of magic things and ancient computers and maybe – of course – a boss battle. But the main factor of all this is memory. And not only memory but my own memory, an extra, fading, tourist memory. This means that I can never tell where Ubesft’s research ends with these spaces and where the imagination of Ubisoft goes.
It is strange, and from a circuit path, it was exactly what was to visit the pyramids as a young fool from England in the 1990s. I knew these places were special. I knew they were complex and I saw the maps of the cutway, but I didn’t remember the maps in great detail, and so when I went in, I didn’t really know what I was waiting for. A certain type of tourist claims to be disappointed by the pyramids – for one thing, there is no hiring, but also a narrow, scattered type of emptiness. Why not have an empty room or for whom or for whom. For me, this is what I liked about the pyramids. It was much better than discovering wealth, looking for himself to sleep on the panel to slide the panel on the grace of an ancient mechanism.

Now, by disrespecting them all, I can see that I love it, and that is why it was better than his other things, which is why I felt that the Grand Gallery had a pain of sadness. Because the pyramids are brutally, impossible, and the people who made them are dust, and they are scattered on the air. Yet we know that the people who made them were PeopleSo we have at least this natural relationship with them, which is a sign of understanding.
But for us today, and for bikes, back to 49 BC, there was no way to know too much. Oregons come up with their own answers to past mysteries – partial answers, Obu, why always have to make another game – but it does not seem to be as convinced of these answers as it is by connecting people in the streets of their ancient cities, political conspiracy around Cleopatra, scholarships.
To give it another way, the pyramids are where we humans fight some strange mystery of being human. And this video is an amazing thing to discover in the game.