Rockstar Shuts Down Grand Theft Auto 5 Fan Recreating GTA 6 Map

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Rockstar Shuts Down Grand Theft Auto 5 Fan Recreating GTA 6 Map


  • The rock star has taken down a fan project to reproduce the GTA 6 map in GTA 5.

  • Dark Space believes it was down because he used the leak coordinated from the GTA 6 Community Mapping Project, though he has no problem.

  • Instead, they removed the download link and announced that they were moving beyond GTA 6 modes for time.

Tired of waiting for a new trailer, a fan decided to bring a maximum map of GTA 6 to GTA 5, which would allow the community to look for the deputy city soon. But, without any warning, the rock star took the project down.

“I spent months to make a map of GTA -6, made from a fans within GTA 5,” said YouTuber Dark Space. Ign) “But shortly after uploading the video showing the project, the Tech to Interactive took it down. No warning. No conversation.

I spent months to make a map of GTA 6, ready from fans within GTA 5.

But in the past few months, with a sheer number of high -profile fan projects by the rock star, Dark Space was not surprised, and instead “instead of waiting for their email, they took the opportunity to remove the download link instead of coming out in front of them.

Why fans structured GTA 6 map entertainment

As far as why the project was taken down, Dark Space believes that the reason is that they have laid the foundation for their offer around the GTA -6 Community Mapping Project, which uses the “absolutely” map of Voice City Lac Lake Coordinator.

Even some people fear that the mapping plan will be next to the rock star cut block.

Dark Space explained, “This is probably the biggest red flag, though most of my maps were based on trailer shots.” “I think my map could have ruined the surprise of their map, which I get. If you spent many years in building this amazing game, some YouTuber clay to get map shape, size and vibes experience … I want it to be removed too.”

They do not clearly want this project. So it is not just in danger, it has been eliminated.

With all the footage list, and the download link is removed, they are ready to proceed. But no other GTA 6 mode, “Since it seems dangerous”, what is the purpose of community plans with the rock star right now. “I will just keep making videos that people hope,” said Dark Space, while closing the book on his deputy city mapping efforts.

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