With the 40th anniversary of Super Mario Bruce Loming, I impressed him to run again. I am not sure what you can say about the game that has not been said about the advertisement, but it is clear why it was such a pillar to move forward with Nintendo. The game is still fun!
It is difficult to play this game and do not think about the massive heritage he has created, all the characters and fixtures that have become practically the second language. But just playing it as your own thing, don’t think about the future, really forces you to understand how special it is. The movement still feels good but still force the player to make his decisions. The lack of jumping and attacking powers out of fireball makes it difficult for some competitions. Hammer brothers feel very dangerous in this game, especially in World 8 (after that). Here is a tension in the Mario movement, which is later in the Mario Games. When you jump with this difficulty, you feel like you just jumped a large number of springs, barely avoided the gates of hell. But it is also accessible and ease you in difficult curves, and with some exceptions feel rarely cheap. Nowadays it looks very simple and straightforward, but whenever I get back to the game, I appreciate it more.
Although this is already a short game, I would say that I feel like you can cut 5-7 levels from the game and not miss much. When you arrive around the World 5, this game has shown you a lot about every mechanic and enemy that you can think about (the last enemy has been introduced with the bullet bill), and the swimming level is not at all fun. I am a huge expert for the underwater surface in sports, but they just don’t work, the ban on the movement of Mario is waiting for you to end them, even though the change of scenes is appreciated. Castle Mazz is similarly disposable in my opinion, though I appreciate that the All -Stars have given audio visits about whether or not you have to take the right path (he said, I was playing the NES version this time). Then, of course, there is a reusable level setting, which compromises the most explosive -based SAME Game Development compromise for your deer, but can still be felt on the replay. Nevertheless, these are not the major problems as a whole with the game in my opinion. Most of the time, the basic entertainment remains.
Even despite the levels that do not measure, all of this is valuable for the final one: World 8. Although it has pleasant scenes like the previous worlds, it represents a huge difficulty that has rarely been confronted with Mario Games. There is no checkpoints, jumps from tons of death, and hammer brother, sweet mercy, that hammer brother. Nintendo knew that he had made a monster with the enemy when the last hammer of the game was fine before Baisar in 8-4. It’s harder for the past than a baosar! Nevertheless, conquering these levels really shows its skills in the game, and eventually makes it very satisfying in breaking the fort and the siege. An excellent end of a great game.
I would say, despite playing Super Mario Bruce several times, I never ended the second struggle. I usually gain a two level level before losing interest. I’ve always realized that the actual game was so designed so much that it didn’t need any remix. Maybe it’s time to do so.
As I have said before – it is difficult to talk about Super Mario Bruce without re -reading the old ground. But this is still a game worth seeing again in 2025 for many reasons. Although it would never be my favorite 2D Mario, it was a strong base to work with them, and it has certain DNAs that were never kept in its sequel. When I grow up on the All -Stars version, I also enjoy running the NES version. There is no shortage of ways to play, Nintendo believed that.