With the masking of Silent hill fLast week’s first trailer received a lot of new information about the latest episode of the long -running horror series. We found out that a female film will be the lead role in the M Ratid game, apparently a student, and the first silent hill game in Japan. There is still much that we do not know about, and the reasons for surprise are whether it will meet expectations, but I have a good feeling about it.
This is partially because the author of the game, Revocashi 07, was recently clear about his triggers Silent Hill Transmission. When they weep in a series of visual novels (especially when they weep, a very famous job of writing Japanese horror), Revocashi 07 said, “So far, I have played every silent hill game, and one thing is that I think it is a lot of love for women, as well as their love for them. I do not want to be drawn to the story, but also to find your own decisions.
Silent Hill has long been the detection of gender politics
There are many festivals in the silent Hill F. Obviously, this is not set Silent hillOr in the United States. But at the same time, the spirit of the game is described in this transmission Feels feel Very quiet hill.
Silent Hill 2 is considered one of the best written video games so far and is an example of ‘Video Games Art’. Although this is incredibly low in medium – I’m not going to this debate right now, I don’t just have time – silent Hill has provided enough materials to tear down and analyze analysts and critics.

Dead Letter Department Silence Hill met separating
Whatever you do, don’t look at the Baiford dolphin event.
You don’t have to look very hard to see who is talking about Ryukishi07. Silent Hill 2, telling his story with the eyes of a man, there is a lot of games about the horrors of a woman. If Silent Hill James’s wishes and crime are represented, then it logically follows that its mismanagement is the one we color the women we see with our eyes and in the silent hill during it.
Scholars and critics have written deeply about Maria’s presence as a fulfillment of James’ wishes, represented by how women are objected to and sexually assaulted. Laura reflects how women are forced to inherit the eyes, and when they fight it, they cannot back down in any meaningful way. Angela is a whole, tragic cann. The whole game is full of violent sexual imagination, but is manufactured in a way that is clearly scary. It has been criticized for their role in subjugating women in men and global society.
Silent Hill 3 also has a lot of gender in its rhetoric and roles. The first game with a female main character, it follows a young woman, Heather, which many people use for their own sources. His body is literally being used to give birth to a new God against his wishes as a vessel, and forcing him to abort it works like the height of the game. It touches the body’s dysmorphia, the amazingly common result is that the young age is pressed to fit the standard of beauty and to tolerate children, which they do not want easily.
Silent Hill F will give women agency
Although this series has usually been very sympathetic to women and their collective pain and trauma Is Reading also promotes women’s problems. It uses physical horror and women’s stories as a tool for male characters. I think this argument is less, maybe even unnecessary, but Requishi is a point of 07 – these women are not really given agency. Their stories are less or less stones, even the heather, whose story can be mostly affected by the same decision and how many enemies they kill.
How will the main character of the silent Hill F be given the agency? We don’t really know yet. Perhaps we are more likely to appear in the statement of the game, how it will be responsible for his own fate, rather than treating others. This is definitely a way to give more agency without a game mechanics.
I am not sure that this will mean a mechanical change in this regard that allows its main character to make decisions that affect the statement, because it is not a feature we have seen before, but the summary of the game says, “This is a story about a beautiful and terrible choice.” Does she choose, or do we do?
In any way, when I can’t say that I will play the game – when it comes to horror, I am a notorious child, especially the survival horror – I am very interested in seeing how it all ends. It has been emphasized that the silent Hill F will be a unique Japanese episode, and even in music, and even in music, and a game that will be interesting to see Japanese nuances uniquely gender, especially one that has given us a lot of interesting search of women’s problems in the past.

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Nebroids Entertainment