For a long time, EA has been dividing many jokes how greed it can be. CEO of the time that says that he wants Charge us to reload to the battlefield It may not have been helpful in its reputation. However, Fiction of partition Director Joseph rent says he thinks the company is much more pleasant than he deserves.
In an interview published in Knowledge, the new newsletter of Edge Magazine, Crack was talked about how much he had received at the beginning of his game giant career, but added, “The EA certainly never interferes with any development. And I mean zero.”
One way with the rent EA, its second game and the first working under its own Hazlite Studios. “I am going to give EA props a reality and backup, vision,” says rent. “They never interfere. Sometimes, I think they don’t get so much ** that they do not deserve. I don’t know how they work with others, but it’s very good with us.”
Considering this, two wins of the year and Splt fiction sold more than a million copies in just two daysI’m not surprised EA only allows fares and his team to do their job. But it also seems that the fare is good for standing its land and sticking to its creative vision.
“Developers can sometimes struggle with leadership and clear vision.” “Sometimes, I hear a lot of accusations on the publisher, but I think this is a responsibility for both of us … The perfect combination happens when the publisher respects the developer and the developer has a clear view of what they want to do.
“Publishers sometimes make stupid decisions and (make) – ‘We need to do this for money.’ That’s why I say clearly: No micro -transactionsNo loot boxes. I think it is very important to understand that we are working with creativity. We have to move the medium forward. We cannot enforce this dirt and, in the Hayy Light, will never happen. “
It seems like the ideal of fares is the relationship with the Indi giant/publisher, but these days they seem rare. Hope his words help other developers to ensure that they are benefiting from their time with big companies.
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