Steam expert says devs need 250 reviews “in the first month” after launch or else it’s probably “not gonna happen,” but admits one ingenious factory game defied the odds: “They somehow pulled it off”

by pokogame

Steam expert says devs need 250 reviews “in the first month” after launch or else it’s probably “not gonna happen,” but admits one ingenious factory game defied the odds: “They somehow pulled it off”

A steam expert claims that Davis “will know immediately” if his game is “magic” he will hit the valve’s digital store front, but claims that there is usually only a short window for a title, because if he doesn’t hit 250 reviews in his first month, it is not more likely. “However, last year, a single game was successful in the exception of this principle.

Addressing a panel during the GDC, Game Marketing Advisor and strategy expert Chris Zukoski says Davis will know “within a week, maybe a month” if someone is hit by his hands. He explains that if the valve “detects that you have magic in the game, they will provide you with all the motives they can collect,” and usually it happens very quickly. Zukoski has revealed that he looked at “all sports coming in real steam last year” – “real steam” is the “purpose”, which the adviser says should be the purpose of Davis, which estimates that “the first six to nine months” hit about $ 150,000 in total income. Of these games, 74 % of them made it in their first three months. “It is very fast,” he added.

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