Surprisingly, the colorful Disney Lorkana tabletop has been a wonderful new addition to the world. There are a lot of unique mechanics, along with the beautiful card made of beloved Disney icons, which make it one of the latest TCG, which we hope to be around it for a long time.

The island of Archezia introduces a ton of new cards for Disney Lorkana.
Many archaeologists give different ways to play, it can be difficult for you to find the right deck. One of the highly consistency is always a steelsong architect, which connects the types of large steel and auxiliary amber ink. Two ink types to work means that you have many great cards to prepare a solid deck for you.
Gul Dawoodi Duck, Donald’s History
This Leo Bird is ready to help you by messing with your opponent’s deck. Gul Dawoodi Duck, Donald’s History is a Character Card that flourishes its low ink costs with another one and a large four -consent power that is well -versed with a lot of disrupting ability that every time they are searching for it. This ability forces your opponent to take a top card from your deck, and if it is a character card, they can keep it, but if not, it is put under their deck.
Although it first looks like a strange card, this ability can help your opponent find character cards, so there is no shortage of Dizzy Duck Steeling Decks. With a large quantity of strength at just one ink cost, you can easily use it in the early game to help you not only see what your competitors have in their deck, but you will also remove them from the wall while looking for your songs and shifts.
And then Zeus came along with
A surprise strong song
Your opponents will be zipped in Smith with the power of the power of this song. And at the same time, the Zeus card is also a funny song that can do any character or location for four ink for four ink, and can be sung free of charge if the role is four costs or more.
With this song, you can deal with many risks as you blink. Since the Steelsong deck is primarily focused on the casting of their songs, it is very easy to use this song for free. The most played roles in the Steelsong decks have the singer’s abilities that make their cost more than four, and set them to wipe them with the board as well as Zeus.
Lawrence, an honorable prescription
Amber support is required
The backstabing servant gets his payment with a steel character card that makes him a powerhouse, but only when he has full force. Lawrence, three ink costs, four custom power and strange, no power. Its ability is where power comes out. If this card is fully in power, then there are four strengths.

Disney Lorkana: 10 best cards of 2024
2024 was an amazing year for Disney Lorkana players, some of the best games of the game were falling throughout the year.
Since steeling has the ink type of both steel and amber, Lawrence has to take full advantage of the strong healing found in Amber so that it keeps themselves in full health and can cause massive damage. In any other deck, this card will not be able to invest because it will take everything there is a sharp tickle of damage, and will start to harm Lawrence. However, with all the buffalo and healing of Steelsong, Lawrence is a standout character.
Let the storm be in anger
The cold never bothered the steeling
Elsa seems to have allowed her to go too far with the power to continue the anger of the storm. This Stelsong Happy Card can kill any opposing character two and you can pull a card, all of the same effect. It can also be sang by any character that has three or more costs, which is almost every card, in the Stelsoon deck.
The simplest thing is, anger anger is a package in one two that gives you two significant effects in one. If this card was only one or the other, it will rarely be used as a better alternative, such as holding your sword from the first chapter, but attracting your sword to someone is great to find all the important cards with your steeling deck’s needs.
Gifts with Riponzel, Healing
The best healing character card
Well career to the world’s tallest hair is not the only thing that reproducing is good, it is also amazing healing. Amber Ink Card Riponzel, a gift with healing is a terrific card that reinforces a large -scale five -consent power, along with drawing and healing capacity, which is unparalleled. When it is played, this card allows you to fix the damage from a character and then allow it to stretch the equivalent of how much you healed.
There are very few cards that can supply more permanent and game -changing healing like reproduction, even how amber ink type healing. The ability to fix and pull three on the role of a bee, which can also find two lords, do not make it a mental involvement in almost every Embar Tempeare Deck, and this is not an exception for steeling decks.
Stomach, games referee
Have fun cheating!
Our naughty old kiss is a cause for some more chaos by providing a great steel character here, which means playing games. The stomach, the Games referee is an important place of the disturbing effects, and the reason is that this card locked your opponent by using the process until its next turn.

Dual ink began in Lorkana along the island of Archeysia, and these multi -color cards can give your deck a huge promotion.
Being able to keep his competitors out of the action card at their next point is powerful in the hands of any deck, but in steeling, it can help them fully benefit from this effect and get free turns to use their songs or even set up a safe shift. When we play this card, it sometimes feels like a fraud.
A whole new world
Pulling the whole hand
The famous lyrics of this song have become essential for steeling decks, and this is one of the simplest reasons. A whole new world allows you to cause a potentially devastating event and re -set yourself up by rejecting yourself and your opponent’s hands and drawing seven new cards.
It usually requires a lot of setup and investment, it costs five ink to use, but any five costs or more letters sing it for free. In steelsong decks, players often run a large amount of characters with a ton of high -cost shift character or low cost, but the singer’s excellent abilities, which make it very easy to use in a pinch to upset your enemy’s hand or refresh yourself.
Prince Naveen, Ukul Player
To create harmony, every song requires a wonderful chord, and Prince Naveen, Ukula Play, R. This character card contains almost everything you want on the song focused. When it is played, you can use six costs for free with your hand or less and then, in the upper part of it, its four ink costs as six for their singer’s capacity.
Being able to use only six costs or less songs free when playing is played and one of the high abilities of the current singer hidden is a must for Naveen’s King of Song Cards and the Stellsing Deck must be used so that you can use many song cards. Prince Naveen is also given two lords while searching, which is a huge bonus to make it even stronger.
Queen, commanding presence
The power of the king
Stelling decks have high rule, this quinning card has strong strength and the ability to shine other roles. The cost of five ink to play can be taxed, but fortunately it is able to move to another Queen card. The ability to be proud of this card becomes vibrant when searching and is able to take the Queen’s four power and give it a elected ally, as well as reduce the elected enemy to four.

There are many terrific cards in the sets of Lorkana’s shining skies, and they are excellent.
Does it make it so big that the Queen has the ability to shift with Regal Monackery? This version of the Queen costs only one ink to play, so you can easily remove it and then shift to the version of the commanding presence. As soon as twice, you can protect your characters from ability and unable to retreat the stronger character of your opponents with more strength.
Cinderella, the ballroom sensation
An easy yet key card
Since the introduction to the Rise of Flood Bourne, almost every EVERY EVERY STELLING DAC has added this important card, and this is easy to see. Eliminating your famous dress, Cinderella, ballroom sensation, is an Amber hero card that costs only an ink but has an amazing ability to allow it to sing high -cost songs free without shift to another card.
This singer’s ability to make the cost of Cinderella three, which means that many strong songs can be used twice through it. In the early stages of the game, opening with strong songs like anger, can help you easily upset your opponents’ setup and give you the rest of the game an edge.

Disney Lorkana: Every set, rating
When you wish for a card, your dreams (May) come true!