The Best Cards For OTKs In Yu-Gi-Oh!

by pokogame


  • Some cards enable one -turn casualties (OTK).

  • Examples include the basic seeds, armed semorrhage, and butterfly dagger Elma.

  • OT’s Combos exploited cards such as magical explosions, morphing jars, and alternatives to secure the win.

UG Oh! TCG gives players access to thousands of cards that all interact with each other in different ways. Although some can be used to promote the roof of compatible decks, others have been very effective in activating some legal but disappointing plays.


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These are the strategies that can kill you in a turning point, commonly known as OT. Of course, with every OTK strategy, there is always a card that helps to enable it. Some are balanced and deliberately, while others allow Kambus to be very deadly, even your opponent does not allow any drama before the end of the day. So prepare for playing some sites.


Ruko Guardian

A dual monsters

Reruko Guardian U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

If you love gate patrons, then your deck is required by the Revoca Guardian. The reason for this is that it is easily searched by ArkyType and it is your ticket to hit a hit.

If you have Gate Guardian monster on the side of the field, you can use it to half the points of your opponent’s life, then add it as an attack by any of your gate guardians. If the monster can already defeat any other monster of your opponent, the attack ends the game for them.


Basic seed

A otk from the form of chaos

Early seeds U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

Primal seed is an important factor in a twist burning strategy, as it can be used more than once and another copy of itself. With a black shining soldier or emperor dragon of chaos, you can use the basic seeds to get two cards from your pile of exile and add the basic seeds to your hand.


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With the right setup, you play the basic seeds to get another basic seeds and burn cards from your pile of exile. Use a burn card to target your opponent’s life points, while you have another card that bans the cards instead of sending them to the grave. In doing so, you can repeatedly unlimited the same card unless your opponent has no life point.


Cyber ​​Stein

Proved that life’s points do not matter

Cyber ​​Stein U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

Once the impact of your half or more of your life points to pay for the payment seemed like a big price for payment once. However, cards like Cyber ​​Stein proved that it may be worth it to secure victory. Cyber ​​Stein allows you to pay 5000 to bring fusion monster with very few restrictions.

This happens when you screams to double the monster attack with Megamorf that your life points are less than your opponent. This could kill you a turn, but it was not the only useful strategy. Cyber ​​dragon fusion can also be brought and can be given strength using the removal of the limeter.


Of the armed Samurai Ben

Lace the cards

Armed Samurai Bean's U-G-oh! TCG card art.

Armed Samurai – Ben Kyrie’s ability to attack it multiple times for each lace spell attached to it makes it the best monster to throw such mantras. Although the lace mantras have never been the most powerful, linking it with multiple -invading spells allows you to win the game in a clean hit.


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Basically, the armed seamori – Ben only increases electricity and has an additional attack. Then it is a matter of repeated killing your opponent until you win.


Butterfly dagger Elma

A broken dagger is equal to a broken otk method

Butterfly dagger-yo-G-o-o-o-e-card and art background! TCG.

There are many cards in an outbreak One Turn, or even the first turn, deck. However, no one is as dangerous as butterfly dagger Elma. When this card is destroyed, it comes back to hand. Not once in a turn clause, it means that it can do it again and again in one turn.

With iron knight and magical library gear fried in the field, butterfly Digger Elma can misuse the ability to have a drawing card. If your opponent can’t stop you, it usually guarantees that you can get all pieces of exit. Of course, it was also banned.


Evagshki Mind Auges

Win with formal monsters

Egashki Ming Agus U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

If you have come face to face with Avagsky Mind Agus and there is no way to interrupt the scroll then you can also waste it and move forward in Game Two. The reason for this is that it will take more than 40 minutes to perform the OT’s combo.


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Egashki Mind Mags will be able to recycle the card again when asked for. Not once in a turn clause, you can get a card in your hand that force your opponents to decide or burn. Of course your choice, this recycling was also allowed several times.


Magic explosion

Use every magic in the cemetery

Magic explosion U-J-oh! TCG card art.

At 200 losses for each spelling card in your cemetery, this net will dump 40 40 cards to erase your opponent’s life points at the same time. However, since you can do 60 cards in a deck, it is really attracted to the taxes to see the work.

Through the cards that can allow you to dig your deck and others who can find other copies of yourself, you can eventually get into a magical blast. If this was your first turn, the game ends a lot after the set of this card.


Morning jar

Throw your hand, draw, repeat

Morfing jar U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

The mooring jar can potentially cause your opponent to deck, as it forces players to waste their hands and pull a new set. In conjunction with any other card that repeatedly flip you, you can make sure that nothing is left to pull to your opponent.


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However, this strategy has worsened over time, since the effects of the cemetery have become more common and the hand weets can potentially prevent you from performing the game -winning scroll. Regardless, it works for a good piece of U-J-oh! History.



The power of the frogs

Substitute U-G-oh! TCG card art.

Alternatively you can potentially allow you to stare a frog through your entire deck to get a frog. As long as you have another monster to start the chain, alternatives can pay tribute to him and get a frog from the deck. Then pay tribute to this frog to get another frog.

You will need a copy of the Ronantodine in the cemetery and a copy of a mass driver in the field. It is like a cataplat turtle where Ronantoden is returning from one of the frogs in the grave. After that, the mass driver only pays tribute to Ronantadine and damages until you oppose you.


Magical scientist

Taking advantage of the free summons

Magic scientist U-J-oh! TCG card art.

Magic scientists are trapped in different ways. As long as you can pay life points to do so, they can get bodies on the board. This card is the most troubled piece of the category turtle method to erase your opponent in a turn.

You just need magic scientists spam monsters, while the catplat turtle must launch them on their opponent to deal with the damage to Burn. Finally, you are hurting your opponent’s life points as much as you are paying and you will win.

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