Stardist Dragon, UC’s Ekka card, is versatile and viable in modern decks.
The harmony of the junk allows the simple Sancro summons, which is important in the retro formats.
Scrap Iron Scarcro and Star Light Road offer reusable protection and field recovery options.
UC Foodo is the lead role of U-J-Oh! A renewal from the 5DS satellite, travels to New Domino City to find UC Jack Atlas and re -claim on its Stardist dragon card. It only starts the UC’s adventure because his escape takes him into the doubles of life or death more than counting.

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With a deck filled with strong cards of the game’s 5Ds away, UC is able to appear as one of the signatories. UC has plenty of incredible cards, but some have a big impact on U-G-oh! Time meta. Some cards will even go beyond the period in which they were introduced and will remain important in later strategies.
Stardist dragon
Protect your monsters
Every U-J-Oh! The main character is his monster. Stardist Dragon is the UC signature card that pushes it to the new domino city. Stardist Dragon is not just a good card for time, but can also see games in more modern decks.
When this monster is called, it can be difficult to get rid of it. It protects your cards from being destroyed and destroyed. Then at the end of the turn, it returns to the field. The card played as Edison Format and beyond the General Deck Staple.
Junk harmony
Preparing some easy dramas
At first glance, Junk Sankon does not seem to be too much, but it can easily withdraw the monsters from the tomb so that the Centro can be used as a demanding material. This means that with the right cemetery, the junk Sankon can get out of the surface of the surface as soon as it comes to the field.

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Jank Sankon will be one of the better options to use the mechanic at this point where even in retro formats like Edison, it still sees the game. It is less bound to other options because it does not force you to ask for a particular monster type.
Scrap Iron Scarcro
A re -prefigant net
In most parts, the nets of war are on the path of Dodo. They can be very slow in keeping the game. However, he pulled his weight in a mobile phone and in the era. Scrip iron scarcro can negate an attack, then put itself in the field to reuse the twist next time.
It proved an interesting way to reuse the trap card, which did not include him to return from the cemetery. It can also come to the clutch and allow you to take another turn for return.
Star Light Road
A Free Star Light Road
The 5DS is one of the most impressive trap cards of the Star Light Road. When there are many cards that can destroy multiple cards that you control in a swap, Star Light Road can not only protect them, but also provide you with a free stardist dragon.

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This is a great way to use the Stardist dragon when you need the most. Without getting content on the board to make it, the card also allowed you to go to other cousin monsters for changing speed.
One for a
Looking for a monster of any level
What do you need on the field to work for your plays? Do you need a toner for Sancro Monster? What about a surface monster with good effect? A person can ask for a monster of any level directly for a deck.
As this card is so common, it is not only an important part of the UC’s deck, but a card that will continue to provide a price after years after its release. Depending on the deck, waste can also be a way to set up your cemetery.
Impact wheeler
Early 5ds hand network
Every U-J-Oh! The main character had some way to defend himself by hand. Yogi had a craba, Jaden had honest, and UC had a small card called the effect Waler. With the abundance of effect monsters, the effect wheel can prevent these effects from passing.

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Not only is it a useful card to prevent dramas, but also being able to use it during your opponent’s turn, can work more than protect your monsters. Because of its status as a toner, you can also bring it to the field to go into the Sanchero plays.
Nothing but the surface squares
The debris dragon is a beautiful easy card used by UC and also has a simple effect. This dragon toner is a surface of four monster that can tap in the cemetery and withdraw another monster with a 500 or less attack.
Restrictions also limit you to seek the dragon -type cinnamon monster. You can’t bring any other level back. However, this is not a cap for the surface need. Unless it can bring back something with a high level for 500 or less, it makes it interesting to ask for high level dragons.
Quickballt hedgehog
Free from the cemetery
One of the early monsters appearing in the UC lineup is the Qubllet hedgehog. However, at first glance, many players were trying to perform at the time. It is able to get enough cards in the field to try a mechanic seeking Sancro.

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As long as there is already a toner in the field, the Colbolt is a free special summons from the Hagger Hag Cemetery. Despite just two surface monster, it made the perfect Perfect to get the exact number needed to get the Sancro Monster with more than two essential materials.
Shooting Star Dragon
Stardist gets upgrade
The first upgrade of the Stardist dragon requires two sinkro monsters in the field to use it as a substance. This upgrade will come to the clutch for UC but give players a way to eliminate sports. With 3300 attacks and multiple strikes in one turn, the pair may end before you know.
It can negate the effect of any catastrophe that will harm your field. However, contrary to his predecessor, there is no need to sacrifice yourself to do so. Instead, returning to the next end stage can eliminate yourself by negating an opponent’s attack.
Shooting Coser Dragon
Numerous attacks, an Omni, and floating effects
UC’s signature Akka card has even more upgraded in the form of shooting for Kosar dragon. Due to the need for toner synchronous monster and two non -toners, it can be a difficult monster that adds up to 12.
In return, you get a monster with 4000 attacks and defense that boot with Omni negative. It can also attack several times at every turn, puts its stats well and eliminates sports soon. If this card has been removed from the field, it also floats in the shooting star dragon.

- The first movie
U-J-oh! Film
- First TV Show