The Best Horse Gear To Use In KC D2, Ranked

by pokogame

In any game you have the best companion, horses in the Kingdom: Salvation 2 is more than just travel companions, which also acts as armored mounts, which allows you to fight as a policeman. Even you can get Henry’s first horse from the previous game, and give pebbles all the love he deserves.


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Like Henry, you can also equip your horse with a number of gear pieces that have its own ecosystem of statistics and commercial relationships that can travel more than expected. Fortunately, only a handful of horse gear can be considered best in KCD2, and they can reward players who are looking for a fight or an effective travel partner.


Kirkovian bites / dragon bites







Seeds are the ideal objects to promote your horse’s ability to carry a horse, which gives you more scope for all your handicrafts and looting without force you to roam the next city. The best saddle for this is Crokyan and Dragon saddle, which both have the same figures and are different in style and taste.

While you have the biggest promotion of carrying +200 capacity, unfortunately, horses have also declined the highest, which has canceled the best speedboy of Horseshu. Although each saddle has a slightly different speed dophy, the extra weight capacity will not be worth it.


Translyvanian Knight’s bit

Delivence 2 in the Kingdom of Translane Knight.







Although most of the saddle have just minor differences in their stats, slowly upgrading when you visit the saddlers in new areas, you can make these figures at least/maximum to benefit from your playstyle. Translavini Night’s saddle still gives you a +140 weight capacity in your horse’s inventory but only reduces your high speed by 3.5.

This makes it a saddle with the lowest speed debift, while still gives more than 100 extra car weighs. There is a strong balance between ensuring that you can access your horse’s fastest stats while not losing mobile chest value.

If you do not need a horse inventory at all, there is no result of having no saddle and gives you the fastest horse.


Dragon Chinfron

Dragon Chenfron in Kingdom Come Delivence 2.






Coach (War/Slash/Blow)







There are two different types of horse headquarters that prefer warfare gameplays or use their horse for travel and storage. Dragon Chenfron is perfect for horseback fighting, which gives your horse the best protection and courage.


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In addition to keeping the strongest armor and courage statistics among the other Chinfron, the Dragon Chinfron is lose, which makes it the best coach piece for your horse, which has zero trade in addition to zero trade. However, a Chinfron has some significant disadvantages than the arguments.


The tournament’s broker

Today's salvation of the tournament in the kingdom 2.






Coach (War/Slash/Blow)






0/0 / 0

Prioritize bonuses for rapid and capacity at the cost of increasing your horse’s courage, compared to Chinfron. The tournament’s broker, such as the Dragon Chenfron, is the highest in its class and provides the highest increase in capacity and speed.

Also, like the Dragon Chenfron, it also has a loss of all the arguments, which causes it to be able to afford the Enough enough to eliminate enough grocery. You can buy it from a seedler in Cottonburg, with almost every other piece of horse gear.


With the use of Lahafi Capeson

Kingdom in the Kingdom Caperation Ou Delivence 2.






Coach (War/Slash/Blow)






4/6 / 6

Horse gear harness and kepper pieces have more variations and trade relationships than other pieces of horse gear, which can allow you to mix and match to fit your play style. However, with control, the quail Caprison offers a strong mixture of bonuses by managing its defes.

The quarter kepperson currently has the most coach bonuses of any other torso piece available, while still maintaining one of the most bonuses for courage, which makes it an excellent gear for horseback fighting. The negative aspect is that you sacrifice both the speed and the stamina with a key debuff at the -7 and -10, respectively, but you gain an extra weight of 40 Kerry.

War Horse Caprison has the best statistics of Tourseos but it was only available as a Tweet Drop, which is no longer available.


Caprison with the use of hanging

Keepan Delivence 2 of the executioner in the kingdom.






Coach (War/Slash/Blow)







Caprison and Harns are difficult to determine which is the best fit, because most of the boffees are more debfuses, which you have to decide what you want to prioritize. Fortunately, the lowest number of users with the executioner’s capacity is debfus and is useful for almost any construction.


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Although not most, it still has the most respected coach’s statistics and relationships for the most courageous bonuses in other torso pieces. There is no shortage of speed or capacity, but it has a great lack of weight lifting, which requires a good saddle to counter.


Racing horseshu

Henry is hiding the red warm harsho in an enveillance of the kingdom.



Coach (War/Slash/Blow)




There are only five horseshows in the game, and each last gets better until you perform well in the game. It is related to the racing horseshow, which increases the speed most by maintaining the same weight and coach’s statistics compared to the other Horseshu.

This is the only piece of gear that you can produce yourself, if you can find out the outline and content can make it cheaper relatively cheap. You won’t get this horseshow unless you reach the cottonburg area, and you can find a sketch on a table in a horse’s horses in the southwestern corner of the city.

Make sure that you have spasms equipped while riding horses, as this will make the horse riding very easy and will allow you to sprinkle longer.

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