Mayo is a rare involvement in the Pokémon Video Games, but fortunately Pokémon appears more often in TCG. Although this is still a special opportunity when MW gets a set with its presence, you will find some sets that stand with high types and quality.

Pokémon TCG: 12 Extremely Valuted Cards of the Sun and Moon era
These are the best cards of the sun and the moon.
However, the most famous mayo loses of Mayo cards, as the only mayo available in Dragon Frontiers can be expensive, but it is not enough to guarantee that thousands of dollars to open this valuable vintage set. Except for this remarkable emission, there are many other sets that offer MEW’s excellent artwork, most of which have many options to fit the budget.
Holon Phantoms
Two Mayo
Holon Phantoms is known to have some expensive cards in TCG history, including beautiful gold stars. In Holon Phantoms, MW’s appearance is beautiful, one of which is presented with a famous image of Mayo, behind it, behind it.
Unfortunately, the biggest negative aspect of opening Holon Phantom is the great value of set orders. Each pack costs more than $ 500, depending on where you buy it. Despite the incredibly high bar of entry, the two MW cards you can find in this set are proud of high raw values, which have a total of $ 250 combined. Although the original value comes through grade of these cards, this set is worth a look if you love Mayo.
Two Mayo
Another very expensive set where you will find amazing mayo artwork, with two options from this e -reader set, you have two options.
MEW also shares this set with its eternal competitor, Matto, who is also proud of two cards to submit it in the set, making the campaign a great choice if you can’t choose a favorite Mew.
Despite a high variety, seeing that the two arts are the same, every MW card in the campaign is capable of celebrating, though opening this set will not help at least to recover your maximum production. This set has a quiet scene in Mayo, sweet reflection TCG.
Palidin Fats
Two Mayo
It has a shortage of various types of valuable mayo cards that include it, which can be compensated for by giving us two of the two most dynamic pictures of Mew in its shiny form. The shiny Mayo formerly full art is beautiful on its white background, and a special example speaks rare itself.

Pokémon TCG: 13 Extremely Valley Cards of Red and Violet period
From popular promos, to horrible trainers, these are the most expensive reds and violet era.
Pediatin Fits was asleep for months, and its Mayo cards are a great example of previous cheap cards that suddenly accelerate the skies in value because they gained more attention and thus the hype. Even if you miss more than Mayo Chase Cards in the Piddlen Fat, you are likely to get another solid card from this set, provided that the Mayo has been added to the amazing chamber chase card of the set.
United mind
Three mayo
The united minds have brought three Mayo cards to the table, but they come with two very important warnings:
Two of the three cards include the same artwork but different colors palette.
Each of the three cards is shared with MW rivals, Mato.
If you enjoy the Mayo artwork of this set, then you will not have to restrict yourself to just one version, as the Unified Minds proudly proud of a full art and secretly shared canvas, and the third action shot to complete all three.
The united brain is one of the best sets of the sun and the moon for a reason, as the secret rare design of the famous rainbow shines here. Although these designs are polarizing, different types of designs and colors should meet a range of audiences, especially if you like a detailed reflection of intense battles.
Scarlett and Wailet 151
Four Mayo
Scarlet and Wellet: 151 Pokémon will go down as a very important historical set in the history of TCG that triggered a living interest in the TCG competitive and collecting sides.
The only negative aspect of MW in this set is that the three cards have the same artwork feature, which includes two gold versions (a metal card, a regular card) and a pink version in which the plain mayo is shining on the pink background. Despite having four Mayo cards, none of them are particularly expensive, but if you are more interested in pulling the MW card card, this set gives you a great opportunity.
Fusion strike
Six Mayo
Finally, we have a fusion strike, a valuable set that features a strong reservoir of expensive cards, including two alternative arts that captivate you. The MWV and the Wimax Elite Arts are both proud of the Mayo as a large -scale focal point of each card, in which the V version offers a comfortable view on one with other Pokemon, while the VMA imposes sheer chaos on the canvas.
Despite their stylish differences, both Mew V and VMAX are incredibly valuable cards, though VMAX benefits about $ 100. In this set you will be satisfied with the excellent type, value and affordable of the fusion strike. Even if you lose Mew, you will have the opportunity to be comforted in an excellent modern Pokémon TCG card.

Pokémon TCG: 13 Extremely valuable cards of evolutionary heavens
There is a lot to chase in this famous Pokémon TCG set, apart from Monbron.