The Best Switch Axe Build In Monster Hunter Wilds

by pokogame

The switch is a weapon in the ax Monster Hunter Wildes This allows you to switch between a slow ax form and a sharp sword form, and can be used to remove the toughest monsters. In the form of an ax, your attacks will be compensated by a gauge of weapons, after which you will turn into a sword and begin to demonstrate the weapon.


Monster Hunter Wildes: Full Switch AX Weapon Leader

Easy to switch between its methods using this guide, specialize in the switch ax.

Despite its numerous forms, the switch ax is not the most technical weapon of the game, and it is not so difficult to hang like a charging blade or hunting horn. Along with this, the switch ax also has quite a straightforward building that is focused on exposing the full capacity of weapons damage, which we will take a look at.

Switch an ax construction review

Hunter Monster Hunter issues full release on training dummy at Hunter Wilds.

The construction of this switch ax is mainly focused on increasing the loss of maximum weapons, using it Full release slash Scriptures to deal with the most damage. This is done by the Gore Megala Armor Set that makes you frenzy while fighting big monsters. It is paired by anti -virus skills, lets you recover from frenzy quickly, then promotes its commitment.

The switch ax is the most damaged in the form of the sword, and due to the loss of full release slash, you will not really change yourself between the ax and the sword. Because of this, this construction Rapid Morph does not include. He said, if you prefer this play style, you can choose this skill instead.

Generally, this construction is a considerable standard DPS blood that can be used by many weapons in the game, so many pieces of these goods can be versatile.

Switch ax Blood guide

With the construction of the hunter switch ax in the tent and its details in the Monster Hunter Rise.

Switch Skill Skills in Building Oc

  • Critical promotion level 5

  • Authorized Level 5

  • Can be a maximum level of 3

  • Anti -virus level 3

  • Critical draw level 2

  • Backed from Extendor Level 2

  • Level of Constitution 2

  • Critical status level 1

  • Level 1 of the stroke attack

  • Counter Strike Level 1

  • Level 1 of weakness exploitation

  • Flair Level 1

  • Part Breaker Level 1

  • Flunch Free Level 1

Gear and description of skill

I Weapon Slots, we’re using Lala Barina Weapon Lala selenocosy

With its 700 base attacks, 15 % commitment, and 200 stroke. It also contains three levels of three, two, and a jewel slot, which we will slot in a major jewel, a critical jewel, and Falseer Jewel 1.

Artine weapons have the potential to be stronger than high -level craftable weapons, but there will be several efforts to start the right skills to achieve them. Unless you are unable to roll the arter switch ax with better statistics than Lala Selenocosy, instead of just subsequent weapons.

Other basic weapons types can be used in situations where the stroke is ineffective, or if you prefer the design of a different weapon.

I Head Slots, we’re using Guardian Flugur Injenth HelmWhich provides two points of angry and one level two decoration slots. In this slot, we have a counter jewel 2, which is used to gain a slight promotion to attack while fighting the counter -rising slash in the form of a sword.

If you do not use the switch X counter, you want to change this decoration out of something else, such as a point in the Evad window or another point in the award extender.

I Chest Slot, we have Arclic mile beta From HR Arc Weld. This chest piece provides a point of exploitation of weakness, as well as decoration slots for flair and maximum strength, two important skills to increase DPS.

I Weapons Slots, we’re using G. Filgore Vemeless Son The Guardian Flugore from Injenth, which provides another level of maximum strength, and two levels of two decoration slots. We have two Backed from Extendor Jewelry In these slots, which will increase the distance of Switch X’s side hop, but you can put any quality skills of your life in these slots, such as Air plugs.

I Back Slots, we’re using Gore coil son From Gore Megala, which provides two levels of the Constitution and the first piece of bonus of Gore Megala’s persecution. In the decoration slots, the most promoted a destructive jewelry and a powerful jewelry damage.

I Tandem Slot, we have Gore Greez sonHelping the treatment of frenzy, filling a level in the anti -virus as well as the first part of the Gore Megala set bonus. The decoration slots, a level three -third challenge, has provided the third level for angry people, and two breast jewelry provides the last two levels for anti -viruses, which promote 15 % of their commitment to frenzy.

Finally, we are using Challenger Charm 2 For the last two points in the angry. When this monster is enraged, this skill greatly promotes attacks and commitment, and makes a highest increase in loss of achievement through equipment skills.

Most DPS increases L. We are also using Damaged mantleBut it can be difficult to use effectively, as it will reduce your maximum health while being equipped. Consider any other three of the other three mantles for a safe option.

Tips to build switch axis

Hunter Monster Hunter is furious in Wilds .The complete release of the full release against Gapsteros.

When you fight the monster, there are some conditional skills to keep in mind in this blood. First is the frenzy that is applied by The black lunar eclipse From the Gore Megala seat. Unlike other status effects that treat them on time over time, frenzy you need Actively attack the monster to treat this.

When you kill the monster, the gauge will be filled. If you do a lot of damage before the timer expires, you will treat frenzy and get a leather, which is further enhanced by anti -virus skills, which makes it easier to treat frenzy. However, keep in mind that before treating frenzy, you More damage and healing is less efficientSo you will need Play aggressively to overcome this.

Has other conditional skills Can be more thanWhich enhances commitment if you fill your abilities for three seconds. Guardian Folgore Engineath has made the bonus skills easier to achieve a second windset, as eliminating the second capacity gauge does not calculate the maximum power.

Have your third conditional skills OrganizedBut you don’t have to actively keep track of it. Instead, would be angry Automatically activate when the monster is enragedPromoting DPS on a large scale. When the monster is enraged, it is time to get aggressive. Use Counter Rising Slash Staying aggressively while protecting yourself from harm.

Be sure Pop up any wound that appears on the monsterSince you do this, Part breaker’s skills promote a decent loss. This skill also makes it easier for wounds.

Overall, Play as much as aggressive The action of this construction will prove the best process. Poping will keep the monster below the peak of the wounds and do a lot of damage, which will make it easier to kill your complete release.


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