The Best Tattoos Added With The Sims 4 Businesses & Hobbies Expansion

by pokogame


  • Tattling now has a skill in Sims 4, which has new tattooing to make Sims SIM or in tattoo parlors.

  • The expansion of businesses and hobbies included various themes tattoos from anchors to flowers, allowing more personal Sims.

  • This extension also includes the ability to achieve new skills like Potri and run a profitable business within the game.

In today’s world, tattoos are more famous than ever. It looks like everyone is playing a little ink, or a lot of it. Tattoos have been part of Sims 4 for years, but with the introduction of business and hobby expansion, the tattoo has received a touchup.


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Tattoos now have a skill, and Sims can get them in a SIM or dedicated tattoo parlors. This update also added a ton of new tattoos to achieve. Go to the chair and prepare the inking Ready – these are the best new tattoos for business and hobby expansion.


Anchor tattoo

A weight mark

A male sim with a brown hair model an anchor tattoo

Here is a tattoo for marine sims in your game. This little anchor is occupied by the classic anchor tattoo – you know, the sailors are always in old cartoons. For those Sims who want to repeat their pride on a small scale, this anchor tattoo is a welcome increase.

This protection or life guard will be best for the carrier track or even for the Sims. Even the Sims who just like the sea will feel at home with this tattoo. Anchors away!


Heart tattoos

The heart of ink

A male SIM models a heart tattoo on his chest

There is no broken heart with this tattoo – it is very severe. This heart tattoo, which is located in the middle of the dramatic effect, is surrounded by thorny bulls and rotation leaves all around it. Cool!

It looks like the best tattoo to get during the breakup era of your Sims. This is the answer to almost all love issues. Don Lotario oppressed you again? Is this tattoo wife kidnapped by foreigners? This tattoos are you married to olive spectros and do she look a little bad? This tattoos


Branch tattoo

Branch of a olive

A male SIM models a set of olive branch tattoo on his face

This facial tattoo is full of Alesh Dilkshi. The branches of the delicate trees turn away from the nose and the leaves all around the bones of the cheek. This piece looks like a fine makeup compared to the tattoo, but the surprising thing is that unlike makeup, this look will remain (at least unless a SIM decides to remove it).


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It will be great for tattoo SIMs with more ‘Rain Festival’ aesthetic and will be fine at home in imaginary savings.


Bran tattoo

A permanent necklace

A male SIM model a neck tattoo that is designed to look like a blanket

Facial tattoos can be a bit severe, but if your Sims still want to keep something in the display, this neck tattoo can be a good option. Like many tattoos of the neck, it is also designed to look like a bran. Tattoo ‘pieces’ come together on the neck nap to open in a beautiful flower.

Nature’s tattoos have been amazing in this pack, and this piece is not exempt from it. If your SIM is interested in permanent art, complete this piece.


Celtic tattoo

The fate of Samalash

A male SIM model a celtic knot tattoo

This is a tattoo for your Sims that value their celtic heritage… or maybe only those who were a little too much on St. Patrick’s Day and woke up with some sadness. The bottom tattoos have a stereotypes that may regret some people.

If your SIM is looking for something beautiful, they will never repent, this tattoo is the same. The design of the knot is amazingly described in detail for Sims, which combines lifetime standards in the game.


Dagger tattoo

Dagger, dagger, dagger

A man performs a dagger tattoo model with SIM bulls.

Now it’s a tattoo about the drama. The symbol of a knife surrounded by a flower is the best perfection of any SIM that wants to be rebellious. The black heart on the dagger’s halal only increases the whole aesthetic.


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This is probably the best designed tattoo in the new batch. Although it cannot be not everyone’s not, you cannot deny that it has a style of saving. Whether you are broken, or you just want to look cool on the next hot topic trip, try this tattoo for size.


Robin tattoo

Hi, birdy

A male SIM models a set of bluebird tattoo on her chest

This tattoo is one of the few additions to businesses and hobbies – and does it ever come in color? Robbins are the most beloved birds of the animal kingdom. It is a pleasure to spot on them after the long winter, and it seems that this tattoo embraces this simple happiness.

Both Robbins are offered in bright, bold blue, with good measurements are red splash on the stomach. These Robbins look so long that they look ready to fly, and they believe in earning some praise to your Sims.


Word tattoos

What does this mean?

A male sim with a brown hair model a word tattoo

There are some famous tattoos to get a word tattoo. Each (usually) has a special meaning for this person, and he can add a layer of individuality to whatever he receives. This great is very good at the tattooed immersion, as the meaning is not clear.

So very little has been translated into the seat – and it is through the design. Like Samesh itself, players can present whatever story they like on this tattoo. Is this a meaningful statement? Name of a former? Only the word ‘soup’? The list continues.


Flower Dodal Tattoo

Dreaming between the flowers

A male sim face flower tattoos with a gray hairy model

Well, we’ll be honest: these flower tattoos are just cute. They are very simple, some of them look a bit more than doodles, but what they lack in detail, they pay more attention than that.


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Many facial tattoos in the game have hard or more punk aesthetic – this is a great option for Sims that want to keep a facial tattoo but are not ready to go the whole metal. These tattoos are cute, charming, and add a ton of character without saying a word.


Tattoo of flowers

Lille of the valley

A male sim with a brown hair model a lily tattoo

Flower tattoo is amazing pieces of art. Whether it is scientific plant sketches or just abstract flowers, the tattooing of flowers is the meaningful pieces of art. This tattoo is visible in the form of a lily, which has many meanings: regeneration, love, and even death.

This tattoo will work with a memorial tattoo for someone who loves you and wants to remember. You may also connect life and death features so that your grieving Sims can find a memorial tattoo in a group.


Skeleton tattoo

The circle of life

A male SIM model a skeletal hands tattoo

Death is as part of life as life itself. Whether your Sims are grieving someone or just gothic, this tattoo is a beautiful reminder of life in the midst of death. A skeleton hand holds a flower, possibly another lily in the amazing symbol of his life cycle.

It is also amazingly easier in detail, which allows it to work for multiple SIMs. Like a flower tattoo, this tattoo fits well with life and death extension and will be terrific to any serious Sims you face.

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