The Best Ways To Revive Monsters In The YGO TCG

by pokogame


  • There is no restriction on the newborn of the monster, which can completely use the effects of monsters again.

  • The soul charging fills your field at the price of your field stage, which makes it versatile.

  • Monsters that exploit premature burial can be exploited repeatedly, which benefits strategic benefits.

When someone leaves the field in the U-J-o-o-o-o-o-o TCG, it will go to the cemetery or in some cases, even the game will be deported. But these monsters do not always go. In fact, there are many cards that can bring back your monsters, no matter how far it is.


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Each maintenance card has a different method that can bring the monsters back. Some of them need to pay Life points, while others connect yourself as equipped mantras that support them in support of life. Some cards can also steal monsters from other cemeteries. So which cards have the most useful effects?


Monster waterproof

A classic recovery card

Monster Wickerpium U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

You can’t bring U-J-oh! Rehabilitation cards without mentioning the monster waterpim. Initially, many cards were issued without less restrictions in their text. There is no value other than the ability to target a monster in any tomb to bring back to the monster waterproof.

The best detail about this effect is that the restoration does not negate the effects of monster nor compel them to a particular position. This means that it can be fully used. Mons


The soul charge

Crowded the field for life points

Soul Charge U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

The soul charging is the biggest example of this that life points does not matter. For the small price of 1000, you can ask for any kind of monsters from the cemetery. With five main monster zones, you can fill them without hitting zero life points.


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In exchange for this rehabilitation effect, you leave the phase of your war for turn. It’s not as heavy as it looks. With five monsters on the board, you can use them as materials or take advantage of their effects to keep your opponent in the bay.


Pre -burial

An exploitation maintenance card

Pre-burial U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

Decisions in U-J-oh can be a lubricant thing! TCG. A lost word and card suddenly breaks. Premature burial is a magic of accessories that fits this description completely. The idea is that you can pay 800 life points to bring back the monster.

If premature burial ends, the monster also dies. However, if the card is not destroyed but bounced back in hand, there is no rule that the monster has to leave. For premature burial to make a simple card back and use repeatedly.


Again alive

To give birth to the flames of life

U-J-oh resurrence! TCG card art.

The charge of the soul left such effects on the U-G-oh! Meta, that the players tried to work again. This spelling card has the same effect as the civil charge, but instead of the points of life, it can only be a special summons monsters that target a particular standard.


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The card will bring back the fire monsters returning to the field with a defense of 200 defense. In the right deck, it has the potential to be powerful. However, some cards remain like sleeper agents until an archeology pops up, so that they can reach the status of meta.


Pin Point Guard

Pin Point Guard U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

The Pin Point Guard is a trap card that works in a similar way to make a hapter call. When activated, you can bring back a monster from the cemetery. Since it is a common net, it does not live in the field as a weak target after revival.

This card also gives some additional protection to specially sought monster. It does this by making them unreasonable through the effects of turns or cards. After the turn is over, you also need to keep the monster.


Zombie master

When the dead height

Zombie Master U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

If you are a zombie fans in Edison Format, then the Zombie Master is a name you’ve heard about. Zombie Master was a dominant force in U-J-O-o-o-o-o TCG for many years due to the ability to return to another zombie from the cemetery.


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This ability also includes other copies of itself. So one zombie master can bring back from the cemetery to another. Since the rehabilitation does not have an effect once, the latest re -created corpse can also continue the train by living something else.


Sky Striker Macha – Shark Canal

Living from your opponent’s cemetery

Sky Striker Macha-Farsak Canon U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

Monster waterproof is great, but it can be a bit slow at times. Sky striker Macha – Sky striker Architeip has a tremendous increase in shark canon players by giving players an opportunity to steal something from their opponent’s cemetery.

If you have a lot of spells in your cemetery, you can do so by banning targeted monster or restoring it to your aspect of the field. In addition to the effects of these revival, it is also the magic of a sharp game that allows you to use it as a disruption to your opponent’s turn.


Corekara Divinkrinate

Paying tribute to monsters and resurrect them

Corekara Divincarnate U-J-Oh! Card art.

If your opponent stops all your efforts to make equipment with your monster effects in the field, you can pay them all with Korikara Divinecrites. This card pays tribute to any monster who activated its effects during the twist. Then, during the closing stages, it can resurrect a monster from its cemetery at the edge of the field.


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This is a good way to prevent your opponent from using the effects of this monster when it comes to your turn. It also does not negate the effects of these monster, so you can use it for yourself when needed.


Call of Phantom

The graves are running

Call of Phantom U-J-Oh! TCG card art.

The Call of the Principal is its own ruler problem that used it secretly. If the privilege call leaves the field, the living monster goes with it. If the monster has been destroyed, there is a call for privileges. At first glance, it seems that this is an air effect. However, the only way to get rid of a monster is not catastrophe.

It forces the card to stay in the field if the monster is not destroyed. This gave players a chance to reuse the card back in hand and reuse more content on the board as a way.


Come back from different dimensions

Living banned cards

Return from Yu-Gi OH from different dimensions! TCG card art.

There are also times when your monsters do not just die and go to the cemetery. They are exiled and have apparently gone for good. Withdrawal from different dimensions will allow you to ask for many of these banned monsters in return for half the points of life.

The effect is so good that the card itself was banned. It enabled many monsters to return, which could cause you to harm your opponent. If you are used on your turn, this can end the game.

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