The matching and dirty extract shooter sees a major update in the winter forever, which solves the complaint of the largest player at the start of the game. Early access shooter patch rotates water, so it becomes a currency that you use to penetrate various entry points in the brutal maps of the game, rather than threatening to thirsty and helplessly. And this is not the only promising news – enemies have shown changes, re -working gunplay, and a new map.
If you lose water anger for the first time, let me explain. Forever brutal zones of winter were often hidden water barrels that you could strap to your back. Avoid the map and you will add your letter to a large water tank at your home base (a center of bullet traders where you have stacked all your good gear). But this water supply will gradually disappear – the cost of running your center. If it targets zero, your center “dies” and all your things are gone. This water supply will end despite the offline, the idea is that it further pressures the process of surviving in an apocalyptic heelskip.
Now the creators of the game are completely digging this idea. “Water is no longer a source that removes real time.” Note the patch on the steam. “Now it is a currency used to access the region’s entrance locations. The region’s entrance locations have specific water costs that are within the RNG range.”
Basically, this means that the game maps now have a default entry point, and you will need to use water as you pay to enter the Nerrial Beatlards from other initial points (you may need good reputation with some factions for it). The devotees say that the water can now be traded from the player to the other, and the frequency of the water barrel shown in the maps has been balanced.

Not surprisingly, many players disliked the original water base. It became one of the biggest grips of the initial access launch due to performance issues and unexpected enemy behavior. The developers promised changes, but they did not want to eliminate the water as a completely stressful force.
An early patch saw that the thieves entered your subordinate home to steal your last drop. Defeating these misconduct gave your stash the last chance to protect your stash from water shortages. Later, developers added “Thief -proof vault” – A limited space for goods that will never be lost, even in an important water crisis. They also introduced water boats that allow the players to automatically collect water. (We have been told that after this latest update, I still face the Memon.
The water system, which attracted it, was the least important of my complaints when I played winter forever for our initial access review. The enemy’s rotation was astonishing, their war was difficult to understand, the surfaces were randomly and vomiting, worms were common, and even the easy task of taking goods from the ground was a task. I loved the basic idea (Little Skyo was caught in the middle of an eternal robu war) and the art in the direction of the art is my clothing cloth bag. But it was difficult to stick to the launch condition.
However, many of these problems have also been solved in this update. The enemy has been adjusted to spinning that “hope” out of the thin air in front of you “to” completely eliminate “by looking at the enemies” or “the enemies are out of you or out of your eyes. “The guns have seen a huge task, and a new map that includes the stone stairs. We have also been told that” rendering has been improved to increase the FPS “and” Enemy detection icons appear more reliable with the correct information, “which means that you are able to understand and when you understand it.
It’s all good news, and I want to go back to the game to see if it plays a little smooth now. I am also in favor of water work. I understand that the purpose of game designers is often to eliminate strong emotions in players, and here the art dog designers want a sense of anxiety and insecurity, which is better to fit the theme of their game. But I prefer when those feelings are limited when I am really playing the game, rather than spreading like a nerve tender in my real life. I imagine that many other people feel the same about such “fumo” designs.