When you talk about romance in the video games, the conversation often enters the tragic, notorious or crank area. Although there is a lot to communicate in these three sub -genders, the most important aspect of love is often overlooked: which heat the heart.

17 romance games with the best story lines
Here are some of the best games that combine romance and a wonderful story. Let them hit your hearts!
When it takes time to make a heartbreaking romance scene in the video games, they can often become the most memorable moments in their own game. It is a pleasure to see these beloved characters to love themselves that you cannot help but the hearing cannot be left out.
The list will discuss the role of each of the aforementioned sports and plots related to the plot.
Jack and Eshilin kisses – Jack 3
Maybe not what you expected
Although Joke’s true love is very high, the naughty Dogg decided to go to the Ashelin as a love interest for Jack 3. And when this particular couple continued in only one game, it resulted in a very heartbreaking moment in the entire series.
Shortly after Jack and Dexter save the entire planet, the Eshilian winners arrived to welcome the heroes and share off -screen kisses with Jack. Kissing is important because Jack and Kira continue to interfere with the infamous lips before locking – although they eventually succeed in the games after that – so it is nice to see that Jack received his, ah, award.
Yarda’s hand holding – iCO
A touching display of love
As one of the first sports, critics who really considered gaming reputation as a serious art form, the ICO expresses their feelings through their jokes. It is not more clear than the way the ICO has taken his hand and guided Yorda through the palace.

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Hand holding is special to both the gameplay and the thematic point of view. You (ICO) and Yorda have a permanently delayed one to hold a single button, but it also creates such a soft and loving relationship between the two characters. There is no other way to explain it besides pure art.
Histuries of Beach – Goodbye volcano high
Finding love at the end of the world
Bye -bye is a melastic story about volcanic high school students (which is also dinosaurs), trying to deal with the upcoming apocalypse (an alkali strike, apparently). On the end of the game, the main character may choose to go to the beach history with Feng Naomi, which is one of the most heartbreaking scenes of the game.
In many ways, Feng and Naomi have been opposed to the whole story, but after finding each other in this eleventh hour, you can eventually enjoy the wonders of living together. Best of all, Naomi Feng makes a dress that she can choose to wear during the last performance of the game.
Eli and Riley kisses – the last of us: left behind
The power of the connection
Last of us: Left is often considered to be the best DLC of all time, not so much for his gameplay, but for the major bulls that fill in the story of Eli. In this, we see that a small lion is making a relationship with the rally, an old partner, who is saddened.
But before all the tears of tears, we see Eli and Rally in the midst of the pain of the world around us. This is the end of the scene, where Eli briefly apologized for kissing the rally, saying it had not done anything wrong before he had done anything.
Teds and Yuna in Lake – Final Fantasy 10
No laughing thing
Although there are many famous final fantasy couples here to choose, none of them have created more and more feelings of the players, such as Teds and Yuna from the tenth game. Their romance is running well throughout the game with skill, probably in the famous scene of Lake Machalania.

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Here are some of the most heartbreaking moments of the series, from Irus’ sad fate in Final Fantasy 7 to the end of the final fantasy.
The structure of this scenario is probably one of the series, with writing, music and visuals, which are all crusado to kiss underwater. This is a magical romantic moment that has been in the hearts of the game for one reason.
Nathan and Elena on the sofa – non -4: the end of a thief
The taste of ordinary life
Although romance scenes in gaming often reach conceptual and dramatic, something can be said about a moment that makes it feel. Initially unhealthy 4: At the end of a thief, we get a glimpse of the regular life of the net and Elena as they enjoy the calm evening in their home.
Everything about this scenario – from the playful banner to the kissing of the crash bandcott, from the end of the kiss – warms the heart as it feels natural. It is a kind of simple, normal, but unbeaten perfect moment that many share with their loved ones, and seems incredible when representing it in a triple-A game.
Estel and Joshua re -joined – Symptoms of Hero: Trails in Sky SC
Finally brought along with
With Estyle and Joshua’s romantic relationship developing in most parts of the sky’s first trail, the second chapter goes on a deep personal struggle to meet Estel again with Joshua after being associated with his old lifestyle. After the two lovers remain separate after dozens of hours, they eventually meet on the beach related to sunset.
This scenario looks as if it is going to turn Joshua again to the East, but she persuades her to pass through her stubbornness, humor and, above all, love. The power behind their unity is the focus of his game, and whatever he plays it fills his hearts.

The best game with romance options
From Vacher 3: Respect the Wild Hunt Bethesda’s Respected De -Elder Scarrels V: Skyerium, here are some games that only nail the whole thing of romance options.