The Outlast Trials Update Includes A Ton Of Free (And Unsettling) Cosmetics

by pokogame

The updated trials updates 2.1, which has brought a whole group of new limited -time events, mission, and new cosmetics, which includes several skins in all video games filled with some horrible roles. Free Update Now PC, Xbox Series X | S, and ends on PS5.

Two new MK challenges, short form missions of the game, began to stick to the forbidden and kidnap the mistress. Like other missions of the game, it is also a context as a brain washing exercises, as Bijay Merkov Corporation tries to bend you in their own way before they have been sent to the world as a sleeping agent to cause the Cold War period to cause the chaos.

Last season’s catalog, a free warfare system has included a high -end cosmetics bonus page, while a new new catalog has now ended. It contains several skins, including one who resembles the famous gate -up of the murderer. This is the only latest strange skin in the game that seems to be proud of its outdated cosmetics.

The Outlast Trials Update Includes A Ton Of Free (And Unsettling) Cosmetics
New outlus trials is developed around the Catalog (Beetle Pass) Vijayeline Amelia’s role, which is currently trying to destroy the story’s villain.


Outlets are also celebrating their first anniversary, so there are even more free cosmetics, such as a nausea -producing cake, completing the first anniversary challenges. The new catalog and this birthday cosmetics are both limited time offers, with which they disappeared from the game on April 22 in a month.

As far as the game fixes are concerned, several veins (equal coalodown’s abilities) have been thrown. The barricade vein can now apply to more doors and windows, locking them and slowing down the enemy’s pursuit. The billing rig is now deployed in three seconds for its upgraded version or in four seconds for twenty versions. The latest vein, jammer, can now open the gates of the grandchildren found on the nursery map.

The easiest difficulty also became a little easier, as the enemies do less harm and move a bit slowly. However, if all this seems strict, it is not without any punishment changes. The most difficult, psychological, now “a little sharp” enemies also features. Full Patch notes are found below:

Outlist Trials 2.1 Update: Big Fix & Update

  • Barrene Rig: Now more doors and window frames can be deployed.
  • Blind Rig: The base deployment decreased by 4 seconds (5 seconds), the upgrade is now 3s (4S).
  • Jamer: The jammer can now open the door to automatic grandchildren.
  • When one of the team dies, the closest review syringe is apparent to the team’s colleagues.
  • The replay introduction now shows a verification popup before launching.
  • The “introduction” difficulty has been adjusted to reduce less losses for enemies and move slightly.
  • The problem of “psycho surgery” has been adjusted to increase the enemy’s speed.
  • “Stay together” has been removed from the therapy therapy.
  • The use of instant chat action to “Rigrape” now holds the group’s icon on the ground at the player’s location.
  • Program: Other difficulties showed a new visual gesture for trials that are currently selected on the trial board.
  • Posters: Posters are now ordered by type (weekly program, events, etc.).
  • Settings: A new option was added to toggle the mouse.

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