The Underkeep Dungeon Guide And Walkthrough For Final Fantasy XIV

by pokogame

Undercap is a level 100 basement that has been introduced in Patch 7.2 Final fiction 14. Calix and endless Queen’s Aspeni plans, while trying to detect the clues, the party falls into the depths of the Evercap, where the original fortress of Alexandria is held.


Final Fiction 14: Donatel – Uvyota Field Station Test Walk Throw

Here is a complete walkthrough for the Uvyuta Field Station, which is a level of 100 basements in the final fiction 14: Dantriel.

However, no one is surprised, Kalix and Aspeni have activated the defense of the palace, and you will need to fight your way through machinery and other enemy life -long, which has taken up residence in the ruined palace. Below, we will take a look at how to unite this basement, and how to defeat its three owners.

How to unlock the undercap

The final fiction 14 begins the title and introduction of the undercap Danjan.

Evercap is open through the main scenario’s struggle ‘Descend from the Foundation’Which can be accepted from Shell in the backroom Solution nine (X: 6.0, Y: 6.3). It is Sixth struggle Patch was added with 7.2.

A Item level 705 There is a need to participate in this culture.


In the final fiction 14, the first boss of the undercap, the Guardian.

The first boss of the undercap is huge. There are four tube -shaped routes around this field, which is separated by sand water on the outer edges of the field. Keep them in mind, because the boss will use them later in fighting.

Name of assault



Cold Chorip

AOE in the room

Damages the entire party. Recover with AOE healing.

Almighty Allah

Line AOE

Boss will Turn toward the center of the fieldThen to deal with damage in one Its front side side big line AOE. This is an attack Just briefly telegraph For a second before it is resolved, so get out of the way when you see the cast bar appears.


Line AOE

GARGANT will ring with one of the tubes, then start Is ringing along the wallMake Briefly hidden behind the sandfalls When it passes behind them. Then, it will be Jump out of a sandfallTo deal with damage in a Line AOE Look at the field where the boss moves forward to predict where it will appear.

Earth’s spikes

Circle AOE

I hurt In the larger circle. It will be an attack Just after the coldAnd Along with Allah Almighty. Another set of Circle Ows will appear later, so be prepared to chew both sets.

The debris of the sesame


All members of the party target with one AOE MARKER. Spread them to avoid overlapping. It will be an attack Like the other set of land spikes at the same timeSo make sure to avoid spreading from the rest of the party.


Circle aoes

Summons Two sets of sand circle This moment will explode in a small circular AOE. Go to a safe place to avoid the first set, then move again to avoid the next people.

The first time this attack will be used, it will be Make a pair with aerial ambush. Keep a keen eye on the boss as it revolves around the walls of the field while also avoiding sand circle.

Trap jaws

Tank buster

Deal More damage to the tank. Use defensive coldone to reduce this loss.

The boss will repeat these attacks until he is defeated. Overall, the mechanics of this fight are straightforward, but when they meet together after the war, it can be a bit difficult. Is the most important to see AirspaceSince losing a mass track behind the sandfalls will target you.

Soldier s0

Undercap, the second boss of Soldier S0.

The second boss of this basement is S0. Here are every attack and mechanics of it.

Name of assault



The field of sarcasm

AOE in the room

Damages the entire party.

Thunderous slash

Tank buster

More damage to the tank.

Sector Baster

Half -circle AOE

Soldier S0 will form several later that are connected to a line. One after each Half -circle of blue Underneath them, pointing to the direction of an attack. However, Will only attack the last later process in the chain. Then look where the last is Go to the opposite direction of his half -circle To avoid AOE.

Ordered the fire

Line aoes

Two sets of Consignments on adjoining corners One of the fields will be dealt with damage to each other in a corner Leave Protected from the opposite corner.. Boss will use Static force At the same time.

Static force


Boss will target the entire party with Conneal AOES Walk with yourself From the boss in the middle of the field. Spread them to avoid overlapping, but Stay inside a secure quadrant from ordered fire.

More than the lightning


Circular AOE targets every player with a marker. Spread Avoid overlapping them.

The sector baster can take a lot of look at first, but it is very easy to tasting. Simple Find the last later map in the series and go to the other side; You can completely Ignore all other exchangesBecause they do not actually attack.

Valia paras

The third boss of the undercap in the final fiction 14, Valia Para.

The last boss of the undercap is unforgivable: Valia Para. Each of the boss’s attacks and mechanics is.

Name of assault



The interstropic circle

AOE in the room

The party is dealt with in moderate damage. Use AOE healing to recover.

Coordinate March

Cross aoes

The two blue lines will appear, the creation of which The way to one side of the field connecting the otherAnd Energy Pink Orbs Each path will appear. Again, a Cube’s purple varb Every way floats. When someone reaches a pink version, causes it Exploded in a cross AOE. And look at the way and get out of the way as needed.

On the use of this attack, Two or more pink and bosses One way can appear. Will then use the boss Bloodmark Moving one of them on the other way.

Bridge Fire

Line aoes

Two of the four towers will be dynamic and fired Aoes across the field of the field. Transmit Between two active bridges Avoid losing losses.

Electric field


Many Coal AOEs will be shown from the boss, and each member of the party will be targeted with the following Connects AOE. After a second, All this will rise slightly in AOE size. Transfer to static Aoes while avoiding your AOES with other players, but keep in mind the size of both as soon as they grow.

Neutralize the frontlines/hypercary


Boss will face a random direction before firing Line the front side of AOE. At the same time, every party will be a member Target with Circular AOE. Then move on the boss behind, then Spread these markers to avoid over -leap.

Prevention Plus

Line stack marker

In the course of a Integrated marchA player will be targeted with one Line stack marker. To spread the loss of the attack, create a group with them, then be prepared to avoid any rest.

Valia Para will repeat these attacks until she is defeated. Later in fighting, the boss will Coordinate Mach, combine the Bridge Fire, and infinite the front lines. This scroll can certainly be great, so make sure each attack is separated. Avoid the first set of Varb Cross Oops, then AOES, and then any other orb aoes.

Once the Valia paragraph comes down, the undercap will be completed.


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