These Silent Hill fans turned the horror game into a cozy retreat

by pokogame

Christian Ziva admitted how strange it seems to be “comfortable” to the silent hill games, especially for those who have not played before. His introduction to the horror series, however, was not in front of any TV. One day while riding a rain train, he heard the sound of “sound”.The night“In the background of YouTube video Silent Hill 2 Track and then loop it for the next 40 minutes.

Ziva Reddate says, “Listen to this song and don’t tell me that you do not feel the heat of this sincerity.” “It’s beautiful.”

The song forced him to fully listen to Akira Yamoka’s sound track, resulting in the game to play. He quickly learned how you can kill you by taking every step. He tested the story of the story, as the loser of the loving characters and the player to the player. However, no sadness managed to eliminate peace.

This week on Polygon, we are looking for sports that feel like a holiday for your brain in a package in which we are calling Itikaf Saturday.

He says, “Being alone in the Wood side apartments without sound and the enemy feels comfortable easily.” “When you don’t enter a room, don’t know if you will be attacked around the corner and finally when you find (in the whole room) and know that you are safe – this is the harmony I have been looking for all my life.”

Someone can often find a pocket of comfort in the horror games. Safe rooms, such as Resident Evil Series, is a clear example of this. They provide players with opportunities to breathe, assuring that – for a short moment – nothing can enter. Some developers have said that the tradition of making these sacred places has eliminated. Insecure In the least expected moment, though, familiarity. This kind of uprising also spreads to different species. Play such as Do not be hungry And Intimidation What is deep that people think comfortable, add stress and Somber themes to survival sports and administrative Sims.

The silent hill should be different. This series runs with psychological horror. Although the fear of the jumps are far less and far away, the environment takes you into your grip, and your brain stands with a restless feeling that it goes too long after you stopped from the game. This town itself is not a summer tactic, either, it is beginning with a strange sect and works as a place to express the trauma of its visitors.

“Silent Hill’s fans are spreading throughout the series, but the first four games get the most love,” Crewl, who runs Crying café YouTube channel says on email. “The atmosphere of these titles is quite different, but they all create a sense of isolation or sincerity in their own style that resonates with those who feel lost or lonely in life, because their emotions are reflected through songs, and they can see or feel comfortable.”

Curry Cafe hosting “Acute and comfortable silent hill music (W/ Rainy atmosphere)“One of the most famous silent hills on YouTube is not new in the game’s place. Elder Scrolls 5: Skyerium And Personality The series is as other popular chunks. Crewl has a quarrel in some of them, including the latter “Personal 5 Jazz Cafe Mix (W/ Cafe and Rainy Environment). Yet they always return to the silent hill.

The search for a “silent hill mix” on YouTube results in dozens of videos. Something, like “Quiet cold“He is seven years old-while I was working on this article, the algorithm of this site has similarly made a rabbit hole.Dreaming in a silent hill. “” “Those days are over.“” “1 hour train ride anywhere. “” “I hope I will meet you again. “” “Why do I feel like this?“

Most of the compounds are playlist arrangements based on one or more sports sound tracks. Others get background rain sounds, slow and recruit aid track, or both. Armand Tormo, Creator “|| No one here || Silent Hill Fogkor Playlist“One step further, adding a subtle pitch modulation to make this mix as unrealistic and dreaming,” this can lead to volatility at the pitch’s speed, with tape’s speed fluctuations. “

Tormo is not sure how the video gets 2.5 million opinions – if this is a loop feature Silent hill The main character Harry Mason is running in black void, the term “Fogor”, or something else. There are many videos that still include photos or dynamic images from the first game. Affairs Lolis, despite the game Silent Hill 2 Before, a The hour long album was affected By his predecessor, and the video described with his scenes. However, both Tormo and Crewl believe that the most popular choice for these compounds is a sequel, the main reason is how the topics can resonate.

“The second game, when maintaining the earlier horror mechanics, added a deep -powerful melancholy,” says Tormo. “Now this is not a terrible game full of monsters and realistic creatures – it takes you to a close man, realistic and cold relationship.

A screenshot of the silent Hill 3 shows a big filled rabbit with a bloody mouth.

Photo: Konami

Sound tracks and the atmosphere are connected internally in every game. For some people, the feeling of retreat goes down to listen to the mounds to clear their head when they need to focus or get sleep. To others, this is just beyond white noise. They use this cross -comment section UTube And reddit Together with each other, sharing stories and experiences.

“For those of you readers, I hope your day is good and I wanted to tell you that when ever a feeling of being lost,” Comment YouTube user from Lrnr466. “I feel like I’m not going anywhere, but it feels peaceful,” reads One more From Bracelids 4635.

The Reddest user killer box 13 says “Regarding the Sorting on DMS, the Redded user killer Box 13 says” the whole city was relieved. “” The fog made me feel lonely and lonely, which makes me feel safe with the fact that I experienced a lot of shock in my childhood, when I played it when I was young.

“The silent hill environment is probably the element that makes it my favorite game series,” says Reddet user Lewis Morgan. “Even at a terrifying 8 -year -old PlayStation 1, I competed in a kind of fog, ice and tight music to create a unique and strange environment.

Not everyone can find the game of silent hill comfortably. As Careville says, some players only snatch horror competitions and horrific anxiety from their game. But Careville believes that most people prove peaceful to a deserted, foggy city unless they are pursued by monsters. “This brightness of hope or explanation is never shown clearly, you are never given to a silver plate,” says Tormo. “It is up to the listeners and the players to find their light, as even in the difficult moments of life, they consciously touched many players.”

There is a strange contradiction in discussing harmony around the horror game series. Nevertheless, more people are being dragged into this unexpected feeling every week, relaxing in the melanchoolic sound tracks, and resonating with the topics of Somber, familiar story. Whatever the reason, as he has done with his main characters in the past years, it seems that there is a different way to lure everyone in the silent plow.

Lewis says, “Later in my life, I loved abandoned cities and buildings.” I just talked about playing the silent hill when it is in a kind of beauty that is sometimes found with life, and seemingly frozen.

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