Environmental Protection Agency activists took to the streets all over the United States today so that President Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s Dodge were made in the Federal Agency. Mission “To protect human health and the environment.”
Musk, Dodge’s face and the target of a growing protest in Tesla dealership, was a big name in the rally compared to Trump. “How do you spell corruption? Elon” workers and their supporters shouted slogans on a packet line in front of a federal building in New York City. Some “This guy is not our boss” is signs that are written in red on the face of Musk’s face. More than 150 people staged a rally with a packet indicator slogans “move, go out of the way”. Lidkarus song lyricsAnd “What do we do when we are invading clean land/air/water/science? Stand up, fight behind!”
Workers representing the Union AFGE Council 238 marched in 8 cities as part of the ‘National Day of National Day’. EPA workers have warned that plans to eliminate most agencies and undermine pollution reservations are at risk.
“I work to enforce the rules that deal with hazardous waste and toxic substances, which is the work that I think this is not a discriminatory problem.”
“I work to enforce the rules that deal with hazardous waste and toxic substances, which I think is not a discriminatory problem,” says Suzanne Anglt, a lawyer working in the EPA. “Everyone wants to make sure that hazardous waste and toxic substances are properly organized, dealt with, stored, stored, and all of them are properly organized. But at these times, it causes me to panic that things are changing.”
The EPA, under Trump’s executive orders, has now been barred from any implementation or compliance operations that will “shut down any phase of energy production” unless there is no health risk. Memo That ePA Leadership released on March 12.
On the same day, EPA Administrator Li Zeldon announced what he had done Is called “Our nation has seen the biggest day of irregularities,” said power plants, oil and gas refineries, chemical plants, cars and trucks, factories and more.
The Trump administration has also moved to close the agency Scientific Research Office And Offices of Environmental Justice. Trump has talked about it To reduce the EPA budget by 65 %. About 1,100 probationary employees received a notice in the EPA in January, telling them the agency that “you have the right to terminate immediately.” A federal judge later ordered the Trump administration For the rehabilitation of hundreds of workers Who was discharged in the agency. And the White House faces more legal challenges over eliminating federal agencies and eliminating irregularities.
Both Trump and billionaire supporter Musk complained about the rules of reducing companies during last year’s election season. Trump said in ANA, “The environment costs a lot to work clean Interview On October 25, with Rogan.
“We have to face sensible expenses, and we will face irregularities,” Musk said. X interview with Trump on August 12. Later, Musk traveled a chain “for bureaucracy” at the stage of the Conservative Political Action Conference last month.
“Elon is maintaining a climate of fear and targeting federal workers,” said Harper Steinfield, an Environmental Engineer of the Environmental Engineer, said. Stuffy In a rally in New York City. “We can’t allow the EPA to be silenced by billionaires.”
Trump has accepted Tens of millions of dollars Financial support from the oil and gas industry. Elon Musk spent more than that Million to help 250 million Trump selecting. The President then, through his position, led by the Government’s Performance (DOGE), gave the musky the authority to dramatically replace the federal agencies.
In an email StuffyThe EPA said it was “listening” to employees and was in deductions to comply with Trump’s agenda to eliminate programs, which considers diversity, equality and participation measures.
Stanfield and Anglot said at the rally today that they are demanding the Congress to work as an Executive Branch scrutiny, and asked people to support the work of the EPA to their elected representatives.
“Democrats, Republicans, free, whatever is, everyone is affected by it,” says Anglot. “EPA’s work touches everyone’s lives.”