Each modern RPG has a maximum level cap that is arranged by developers, and The killer’s profession shadow It is not different. It prevents players from becoming too powerful for enemies and questions in the game.

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The maximum level cap in the shadow of Hassan’s profession not only affects the overall level of Naoe and Yasuke and their stats, but it also affects your weapons level and how much you can upgrade them. You can’t pump resources into your gear to make any individual pieces over -powerful.
Maximum level cap
Hassan’s profession shadow is the maximum level cap is 60. The same is the case with any role in the game as well as any piece of gear you equip for your overall level.
You can test your overall level, which is permanent in both roles, moving towards the inventory section of the Asian Shadow Menu.
Which weapons can you upgrade Depending on the level of your forearm in the abode. When it has been upgraded to three levels, you will be able to upgrade the weapons beyond 40 and from the level to 60.
You will be eligible to get weapons and gear above your current level, but you will not be able to equip them until you reach this level.
The struggle level requirements
Each struggle also requires a proposed level that at least you should be closer before dealing. When on the menu’s goals part, You will see a number of gray diamonds or a red diamond to the top right Detailed
This number is the proposed level for the struggle, and usually during this is the level of the enemies you face. You will find questions with the level of up to 60, but Story questions do not usually go above 35.

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You will now need to know new questions to find out where the Asian profession is going in the shadow of the Asian -based profession.