As you expect, its main gameplay The killer’s profession shadow There is different killings around. Not only do you find a large group of Shinbakovo so that they can find after sarcasm, but also various other side groups that you can kill at the side custard at certain places.

Shadow of Hassan’s profession – Iron Hand Golds
One is one of the one -on -one search in the shadow of an iron hand glids, and here you can easily defeat it.
The maritime dacoity is a struggle like this, and when you reach the Wakas area, it can be taken. When you end this struggle, you can also find a special key that opens a legendary chest somewhere on the map.
How to start the struggle for the Sea Demand Alliance
If you have not yet begun the struggle for the Alliance, you can head to the northwest bank of the Wakas region, called Sotom Gate. Near the coast here, you will find a city called Saroga. In this city, very close to the bridge in the north of the Saroga Tower’s view, yYou will find a Quest marker on the notice board.
As an alternative, you can also start this struggle by merely following the main story where you will meet a master of biiva, which will make you struggle. You can Also find a list of pirates while hunting for actorBut if you struggle through the notice board, they will already be marked for you.
Where to find the cage
In this struggle you should hunt the first marine robber, cage, Is said to be found in the west of the Obama port. When your zoom is at 1x on the map, you can find Obama city a little bit to the left where Wakasa is written on it. Go to its western port and you will find a boat that you can control.
Pass through the tip of the neighbor’s island in the western direction and You will find cage ships in the middle of water. There will be a total of three ships here and it is difficult to secretly done, so it is recommended to go here with Yasoka and defeat everyone, including the cage.
Find where Loopo Cruise
Loop Cruz is another maritime bandit that has been marked by the struggle of the maritime robber, and will be found on a deserted island north of the scattered coast. Between the other island is linked to the Nario’s Koh Land on its west edge. You reach this marine robber, you can either start from the Western soil or Take a boat straight into the middle.
If you start from the land, you have to fight a lot of pirates. However, if you take the boat to the middle, You will easily find Loopo Cruz sitting on another small boat. You can climb the boat and kill it, which can end this part of the struggle.
Where to find Little Copa
Said that Little Capa’s location is in CInterhal Scattered coast inside an area that is called Mizoro’s Koh. You can easily find your map by zooming in 3X and going to the place where “beaches” are written on the map. You will find the required area here.
When in this area, you must beat some guards and Then attack Little Capa because he has eight HP bar. You can take it out of the camp from the southern exit and keep it secretly. Then, you can shoot him with a min that it Kill him with an explosive barrel when he gets closer.
Where to find and what to do with the scene
After defeating the three pirates above the above mentioned pirates, the location of the Sen will be revealed to be the Uura Fashing Village. You can find it near the sea on the northeastern edge of Tamba, and You can take the River northwest and then from the Fukuchia region to the northeast In the Northern Tamba.
Eura Fashing Village is a peaceful area where you will easily detect the Sen and have the option to talk to it. Here, You can save it or kill it. It doesn’t matter what you choose, the results and rewards of this struggle do not change because you have not even mentioned the Sen for the quarter.
However, if you choose to save the Sen, you This struggle will not produce purple colored weaponsBut you will get all other rewards.
Of course, since you’re already in Wakasa, you already have Better legendary weapons and purple is not required.
How to continue the struggle of the Sea Demand Alliance
After defeating all four pirates in the dacoits Alliance Quest, objective menu will be easily Instead of giving you rewards. If you want to continue this struggle, you have to do a couple of things:
Eliminate the Quest Line to recruit the woolen yori, which starts even The same city of the struggle for the dacoity of the AllianceAnd the struggle is called sweet lie.
Once the above mentioned, you will have to continue the main story of Waka as long as you Kill Fox alias Actor alias Tekda Motoki. You will also kill another dacoity named Samimaro with Yasuka.
When you have done these two things and kills other pirates above the above, you can go to the widow master at the Cofukoji Temple on the Lord Northwest Bank of Wakasa to end this struggle And get your rewards.
Where use the key
When you talk to a widow master to end the struggle of the seafront unity, he will give you a Special key that can open the specified chest on the map. You can find this chest on the west bank of the scattered coast, where in the middle of the two islands, a part of the river is section where it goes a bit to the north.
The fastest way to get here is to go back to the Eura Fashing Village and take a boat here. With him, Go to the middle of these two major islands until you reach space. When you reach the northern end of the river, you will find another widow who is waiting for you.
The NPC will leave as soon as you arrive, but you can Find the chest in the cave behind her.
Enter the cave and jump down in the water where you can go under the spike. On the other hand, You will find a legendary chest that gives you a legendary turnkat As part of this quest for Yasoka.

The killer’s profession shadow – how to complete the path of wisdom
The path to wisdom is one of the closing hidden trails that you will find in the shadow of Hassan, and here how you can defeat it.