The blacksmith method Are you likely to do in the shadow of the Hasan’s profession because you get accessible only after you unlock your abode? For the upgrade of weapons and coaches, the construction of the forge is difficult to finally resist. You will need to find The location of Hijay To complete this struggle.
Haji’s detection is easier than the shadowed shadowed Quest Casty system, which requires you to use scouts to narrow the goals. Not only that, it is a good opportunity that if you have discovered something before taking this struggle, you will not really have any scouts left. If you are pursuing the Crees, you will only know that Haji is east of the Sakai port, a town in the southwestern Ezomy Setso. It is a huge area to find… and not like the only blacksmith in the city.
Hassan’s professional shadow
Haji is in a Small street behind a building on the main road cut through Sakai Is being harassed by guards when you find it. It is directly in the east of the map marker for the port of Sakai, near the traders.
You can either reach the sliding gates or climb the roofs either. Before I started the fight, I approached above to kill a guard. It is a small, connected area and many enemies have spears, so it is better to secretly take a view.
In the south, there is a nearby Kauriga in the district. To set it up, you have to pay 800 hundred, but this is a great place to retrieve the goods. This is one of the few ways to recover your scouts, after you want to find a hedge and after completing the blacksmith’s struggle.