In almost any video game, you will find many NPC roles to meet, befriend, fight, or experience its stories. After falling down and living Luma IslandYou will soon meet several locals who call it home, from the mayor to professionals who run different shops.

Luma Island: 10 best crops to grow first
We all have to start from somewhere.
Every day you can talk to them, and you can find some important questions for them, especially if they are a guardian or run in a shop. Everyone is interesting, but you will meet some people for whom you are left for their personality, story or both.
When you first meet Mayor Hugo, it is honestly a horrible type. It is not a bad person in the heart or the heart, but he is openly neglected to the extent of being an mayor, and he is more concerned about bringing tourists instead of taking care of the city even after the earthquake.
You can choose to help it fix the city and some rewards can handle itself, and you will know that it really eliminates some character growth. Eventually he admitted that he was scared and avoided criticizing – and possibly Herbert himself – then in fact acknowledges many of his mistakes. Hugo should not have made them the first place, but it was nice to see it growing and finally tried to change.
The old man Jeffrey
Although you don’t need anyone in a story, it is a beautiful classic trump that is wise, old and often secretly inclined person who tells you mysterious stories or helps you guide you. When you first go to the bridge to the forest, you will meet the old man Jeffrey, and he will tell you some secrets about the island, selected and ancient civilizations.
Each time you arrive in a new area and find the main temple, you will have to wait for the old man Jeffrey with more secret words and indications that what is really happening behind the screen. And when you are talking, it only disappears into a puff of smoke. Is she witch like Aryan? A survivor of the past? A ghost? Whatever, he is a funny boy, and he will really help you guide you on your way, whether you are selected or not.
Enzo is a guardian for this city and a cook’s profession, and he is a man of many jokes, pins, tampering and stories about his life and these people. It enjoys cooking and running your business, but he is looking for a little help to come with a new addition to the menu, and someone to move his abilities, namely to you.
Each time you learn a prescription from it, Anzo will have some ridiculous thing about it, whether it is comparing the supply of fruit salad with juicy gossip with her grandmother, or with just a joke, praise the dish. In addition to her humor, you also realize that Enzo is really excited about food and ensures that people in the city have different items to order it.
Mr. Terfal
Mr. Turfl, also known as Mushroom Man, is a mysterious personality. He is from the race for mushrooms who have settled on the Loma Island, which is likely to make centuries, but so far is the only person you meet. You will find it in every biome, including your form, and operates a special store that uses the same special currency.
Mr. Terfals resemble mushrooms that you can hatch from its related looma eggs, so it is possible that the mushrooms are ready for this looma, or that is similar.
Every time you talk to him, you realize who he is: human beings are not fond of, but he will still accept your business, cantnaros, bullying, but also dedicated, humorous, and when he rains using his flowers, he may predict. It may not be as important as other characters, but he is still able to see it often.
Herbert’s first NPC will meet you at Luma Island, or any of the first, as you will need to talk to him for your first struggle: Getting a professional license. He runs the town hall, and he is there for 24 hours a day, possibly because of the least mayor of the city he is not doing his job.
Herbert’s sarcasm, sometimes means, and almost certainly the Dedapon dialogue reflects every attitude, and somehow he has made it charming. It is easy to sympathize with the plight of working and appreciating it, so it ends as a beautiful related character, even if it insults the ability to perform a profession each time. And hey, its solid remarks can be very funny.
Pearl is another guardian, and she will take care of your guidance from the fisherman’s profession. She will tell you some of the basics of fishing, but her main job will show you how to make a variety of delicious fish -based dishes, such as inquiry Irja Pike and scalep stove. As you know Pearl, you will see that kind and enthusiastic, and he will tell you about his grandmother, which was very important in his life and taught her all the recipes that share it with you.
The whole journey you travel with is about her grandmother and her love for her cooking, and is trying to regenerate the taste and happiness that these recipes brought her over years. All of this ends up to create a fish -based invitation, and re -connect Pearl with her grandmother, which is really loved and relevant, especially if you find a grandmother who also cooked for you.
Captain Quinn
Another guardian associated with the profession is one of the Captain Queni, residential sailors, and he primarily prepares people who live and go from Loma Island, but he is fond of: treasure. He will teach you how to become a treasure hunter like him, and how to make a different type of replika dacoity gear like cells.
The quench is amazing and aware of both her crafts and her hobbies, and if you hear closely, you will find a little part of the history of the island – and her own. He pointed to both the original marine piracy past and the present life, which is why he is so interested in duplicate items, either he wants to live more interesting days or alternatives to without any doubt. Captain Cancery never really lets the truth go, but whether you believe it or not, she is a very interesting man.
As a patron of a dangerous but beneficial archaeological profession, Aryan is one of the most familiar people that you will meet on the Loma Island. He has studied past and myths around the island for years, so if you want to know about ancient civilizations, it is your best prerequisite out of the stones you speak.
Although this interesting and sarcastic woman will only abandon most of her knowledge if you become archaeologists, you can get some interesting things from it if you from time to time looking for checks and unlock the temples. Ariana is also a talented magician, because she has at least turned into a rabbit as a punishment for not keeping her business in mind, which is understandable if she is suffering. And if Erien was not cool enough, it also has its own theme.

Luma Island: 8 early points
Starting the form is never easy, and Luma Island has its own mechanics to make this process slightly difficult. Find out some useful points here!