“Will today’s players still enjoy a game from 30 years ago?”: JRPG icon Kei Shigema says he was thrilled to see Lunar getting a remaster even if he’s not involved himself

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Ki Shegima is a novelist and gamewriter who has worked on a number of projects in the past years, including the likes of Assyria’s anger and the Scarlette Alliance. But he is famous for lunar: Silver Star Story and Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, Sega Saturn and a PS1 Classic couple who have now been receiving a long -term remaster. Shigima says she is excited that these dear JRPGs are getting another chance, even if they are a little afraid about how modern audiences can respond.

“When I saw that Grandia was re -reproduced earlier,” Shigema told Gamesradar+ in an email interview, “I thought, ‘That’s great. I am jealous!”

“I was also hoping for a lunar remistrator,” Shegima added, “So when it was announced, I was very excited. At the same time, I can’t help but wonder – will today’s players enjoy a game 30 years ago?” Shagima is not directly involved in the preparation of New Lunar Remsted Collection, which begins next month, but is still aware of its importance to help new audiences find these old sports.

Kei Shegima in front of a whiteboard

(Image Credit: Gingo Online Entertainment USA)

“Films, novels and manga can be enjoyed in their original shape, but sports require hardware on which they were actually released, which makes them less accessible. While old playth videos can give you a common idea that the game is like the game, as the game is like ‘.

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