World Of Warcraft Hit By DDOS Attack, Blizzard Will Revive Hardcore Characters

by pokogame


  • Blizzard will restore the lost World of Warraft hardcore roles in recent DDOS attacks, which is an unprecedented step for the game.

  • Players are left weak for a short time to avoid unfairly disconnecting, but in the event of a DDOS attack, the move has taken advantage of.

The snowstorm has announced that it will restore the roles that have died in the World Warraf hardware during the recent DDOS attacks against the company.

Unique, death is permanent, and there are steps to ensure that you cannot avoid it. For example, if you force to leave the moment before you die, the game briefly puts your character on the server, keeping you weak. Although this makes sure that every level of play is in the field, thus keeping the harder fair, it also means that forced disconnection, such as the DDOS attack, will cause players to lose their roles without any warning.

In response, Blizzard assured That “these attacks are taking steps to resurrect the lost players as a result” and “wow the flexibility of the circle and (its) reinforces the time of a rapid reaction”.

Our extended stance on the appeals of character restoration or death has not changed. Clearly, we do not intend to survive the characters that have died for disconnection, intermittent spikes, gameplay worms, or any other reasons.

Generally, hardcore characters are not resurrected in any case, but the snowstorm emphasizes that “in the future, (this) can choose – at our discretion – to restore a massive characters that are killed in a massive event that we understand in the integrity of the game.”

Perhaps just fungus not end after all

The popular hardware guild ‘only fungus’, which was created by Sudapin and consisted of well -known streams such as Mecca, announced two days ago that they would end after the recent DDOS attacks. They first postponed a raid to avoid risking their roles, but unfortunately, they were targeted anyway, and the team was unfairly abolished because they were booted from the server one by one.

Just said fungus That they just do not feel relieved to drag people “through the game only to get a raid and dados, hoping that they have gone to the green, hoping to thank them for sticking to them, low legal pastures. But he also assured that “if we get a rollback” or “listen to something like DDOS protection”, the fans should completely “ignore” the statement. The blizzard has announced that it will revive the dead characters and improve protection, so it may not just end the fungus.

World Of Warcraft Hit By DDOS Attack, Blizzard Will Revive Hardcore Characters



November 23, 2004


T teen: Blood and Gore, raw humor, light language, indicators, alcohol use, violence (not online interaction classified)

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