If you think the raspberry pie is chip dinky, okay, get a burden of nutli name Texas devices MSPM0C1104Said To measure the world’s smallest microquinator or MCU and just 1.38 mm.
If you look at the above picture carefully, you can create eight hair grid connectors on a small 1.38 mm chip package. In other words, that almost the invasive thing is not just a silicon chip, but the entire chip package is equal to the fully -packed CPU with Intel or AMD, not just the silicon inside. Yes, the brain was really blown up.
For reference, the package for the Broadcom BCM2712 chip that strengthens the raspberry pie is about 20 mm. So you can fit 200 of these things in a place in which Broad works BCM2712.
Despite the low proportion, Texas devices claim to be 38 % smaller than any other MCU, this nature of a chip is running a full functional arm 32-bit kartx-M-0+ CPU core in a tremendous 24 MW. It also contains 16 KB Flash memory and 1 KB Sram.
In wider words, it seems that the Intel has been equal to 386 chips since 1985, which has offered the clock speed from 12.5 MHz to 40 MHz and 16kg L2 cache. Unfortunately, Texas devices do not refer to the node or transistor count of a process, so it is a bit difficult to get the overall sense of chip levels and performance of the chip.
Nevertheless, it also plays a 12 -bit ADC or Analog digital converter with three channels and is listed as an automotive mixed signal microckonular on the Texas devices website but is designed for small systems such as airbuds and medical devices.
Texas devices say, “Consumers are constantly demanding that everyday electronic items, such as electric toothbrush and stylus pen, offer more features in small impressions at low cost,” says Texas devices, and MSPM 0c 1104 chip will help enable it.
Oh, and price? You have to buy a thousand M for 20 cents, provided you buy a thousand M. You can also have a drama with one Fully featured for $ 6Complete with an interesting sound ‘Red LED’ and versatile ‘user input button’. Will this punishment run? There is only one way to know …