WoW Race to World First Liberation of Undermine leaderboard

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WoW Race to World First Liberation of Undermine leaderboard

Photo by Blizzard Entertainment

The race continues, but only one victory can be.

Within the war of the world’s gamers Is making a huge return with his second season,The ND, of course, also brings the freedom to weaken the world’s first independence race.

Mark your calendars because Oh The freedom to be weak in the world first Starts March 4 and will continue until the first team takes the final boss and takes all the glory. Here’s everything you need to know about Oh Freedom of the world’s first independence, including owners, guilds, and leader boards.

The first freedom of the world of weak owners

All owners of new freedom of raid under the Warsing (D) in WAW WAR
The time has come for them to release the free city and save it. Photo by Blizzard Entertainment

Like the previous raid, there is also the freedom of the weak Eight owners These glids will have to be defeated first in the world race. In order to develop through raids, every boss will have to face legendary difficulty. Owners in the freedom of weak The raids are as follows:

  • Vexie follthrotllle and geargrinders: The riot mechanics that defeated this boss were first.
  • The clodron of the massacre: Bound was the first Guild to take off the boss.
  • Rack reaverb: The quick dollar was the first guild to remove the boss.
  • STEX BANKGANKER: The liquid was the first guild to remove the boss.
  • Sprockemonger Lakin stock: Eco was the first guild to take off this boss.
  • An armed bandit: The liquid was the first guild to remove the boss.
  • Mugzi
  • Chrome King Galle Wicks

As expected, Chrome King Glywicks are the last boss Freedom of weak raids, which is very suitable for a season about Goblins. Although the owners’ mechanics are still unknown, considering that after 12 days, the team liquid first cleansed the Nerob-AR Palace, we can’t expect less than a challenge of the world’s best glids this time.

Who is winning the world’s first independence race?

Although some of the Gurds are still trapped on the fourth boss, growth is slowly but certainly being done. While the liquid managed to take the lead by taking off the sixth boss on March 13, he quickly joined Eco. The top two guilds are now sharing one place in the race and challenging Mogzi.

World First Liberation of Undramaine Leader Board (March 14)

PlacementWorld First Guild raceDefeated the freedom of weak owners
AFluid6/8 – On Magazi
CoupleEcho6/8 – On Magazi
ThreeMethod5/8-on an armed robber
FourHoogo Hero4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
FiveInstant dollars4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
Sixfatsharkyes4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
SevenPoptart Corn Dog4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
EightJetian hong4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
NineXd4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock
10Honestly4/8 – Sparkat Mangar Lakin on Stock

How to see the race to the world’s first independence

Although one of the glids has its own broadcast stream of its own schedule, some players also run individually, so you have a lot of options. Given that every guild has a specific start time based on its region, however, it is better to set your time to look at their series. The best way to see the World Liberation of Undraine race is to through the tweet Oh Direct channels.

Here are some of the major guilds that have already confirmed their participation that the world’s first independence has been included in the freedom of weak raids.

With the opening of the raid, the race to weaken the world’s first independence race continues. As the first three owners go down, more and more guilds are developing. However, in its final stage, things are getting warm with the race, and both liquid and Eco looked at the prize. We will update the Leader Board Standing Oh At least twice a day, the world’s freedom of weak race, so make sure this page is booking for the latest standing.

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