Zoh Shia weakness, location, and strategy in Monster Hunter Wilds

by pokogame

The end of Monster Hunter Wildes Is in the hands of Zoo Shia. This monster is a definition of a final boss, and is a fitting end for the low rank section of the latest entry of Cape work in the hunt series. This is a spectacle that the tower on which Dahd’s choice on a large scale, and one should prepare yourself accordingly.

If you are trapped at the very end of the first half of the campaign, don’t worry. This guide covers Zoo Shia weaknesses and resistance so that you can prepare it accordingly, where to find it, and the best strategy to defeat it.

Zoo Shi'a covered in ice crystal faces a hunter

Photo: Polygon via Capecum

During the main mission of “Monster Hunter”, you will face Zoo Shia in Chapter 3. This is the last mission before reaching the closing credit and coming to advanced. Thus, unlock the Monster Lou You need to do everything through the main Quest Line.

At the time of publishing, Zoo Shia is only available during the same mission. There is no high rank version, nor to repeat the lower level competition. There are no specific monsters as drops. This is literally a time thing, at least for now.

Keep in mind in it Monster Hunter WildesTracking of monsters is not really a significant feature. In addition to some for the first time, you can use the environmental review screen to see if your target is rotating around the map. If not, finding its relevant biome (tongues) for a few minutes is usually a trick – you will see a notice on the screen that declares its appearance. The worst situation, you can talk to Alma and find it. For better or worse, the process of finding monster is now very smooth. If you find the rest of the tracks or other monster on the ground, you can return them to Lot of content.

How to prepare Zoo Shia

Zoo Shi’a is part of the main story Monster Hunter Wildes. Thus, it is likely to fit your hunter at the same moment. Since the encounter takes place during a central mission, you will be taken off the field after the introductory cotton. As usual, whenever you are asked if you are ready to leave, make sure you are taking Regular and mega -pushes If you are less on the latter with you, adopt one around the biomy and return any honey that comes to you.

In addition, don’t forget to eat – you can use portable BBQ to grill food. Increasing their health and capacity is essential, as Zoo Shiites pack a cartoon. In investing in Defense This is a good strategy for the collision, and you may find some recommendations on our best food leather list.

By taking something Dragon pods Would prove beneficial – if you have a range of arms Dragon ammoEven better.

Screens of resistance and weaknesses for Zoo Shia

Photo: Polygon via Capecum

Zoo Shi’a’s suggested initial attack Dragon. This includes the features of your own weapons, in addition to dragon ammunition, dragon pod, dragon attack, critical factor, and charge master.

You can find a defect of Shi’a’s elementary weaknesses and resistance below.

  • Victim: 2 stars
  • Sleep: 2 stars
  • Paralysis: 2 stars
  • Blast Light: 2 stars
  • Stitt: 1 star
  • Way: No effect
  • Flash pod: No effect
  • The sound bombs: No effect
  • Trauma net: No effect
  • Goodfall trap: No effect

As far as the weak points of monster and the breaking parts, Zoo is not with the Shia Weak tips. Her HeadFor, for, for,. Wings (x2) And Forlegs (x2) Could break, and that Tail Can be disconnected.

Before we have a deep dive into the war strategy, here is the defect of the weak Shi’a organs:



Two forks







Head4 stars4 stars4 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 stars
Head (crystalized)3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Neck2 stars2 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 stars
Torso2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Left3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Fourlig right3 stars3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Left4 stars4 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 stars
Right toe4 stars4 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star2 stars
l Wingerm (Crystalized)3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
R Wingerm (Crystalized)3 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Left back leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Right back leg2 stars2 stars2 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star
Tail2 stars2 stars3 stars1 star1 star1 star1 star1 star

For details about what to be expected in terms of attacks and general behavior, the following section has covered you.

Zoo Shia Attacks and strategies

Ice crystals on his head near Shi'a have ended, which revealed a dragon's head

Photo: Polygon via Capecum

Fighting is like Jane Dahdhad, whose vein is the body of Shi’a Is the safety layer – In this case the snow – that you will have to break slowly. The key factor here is that the crystals are reproduced over time, so you need to punish the exposed area as soon as possible.

Whenever the head is exposed, prepare yourself for abundance Fire attacks. Their preparation is easy, because you will see that a mile from a mile away. Keep in mind that Zoh will continue to use snow attacks with its hands, though, these are two elements to monitor it. He said, Sir Equivalent There is more harm than usual, so try to take revenge when you get a chance.

Elsewhere, Zoo Shia will use the region permanently to attack large areas. A move that you will often see is the one that the creature has raised one hand, and then placed it on the ground, causing a The way of snow In your direction, which explodes after a short break. It has a variation in which it uses both hands, and then drags them to its sides to cover the larger area.

Zoo Shi’a has a lot of special attacks. With the usual monsters of this shaped monsters, you will do the ll of the carrying Air plugs To prevent Strong yogurt Attack by mobilizing you. The same applies to Dragon Wind PressureWhich can be confronted with Wind -proof Skill

It’s not all. There are some steps during the fight when The entire field will be affected Through powerful tricks. First, Shiites are flying and you take a long time, and create cracks on the ground that do not tasting on time if you cannot harm. After that, more than one cliff will appear, and at all times, the monster will spit fireball. In this instance, Cover behind any of these structures And point with the camera above whether there is an incoming estimate or not. Once you know that you are safe, walk on your mountain and go to the opposite direction of the Shi’a, in the area that is completely out of the main field, because the earth is covered with a melted lava.

Finally, Zoo Shia will lose its protective layer to introduce its latter phase, which will also produce it. Lightning strikes Upon fire and snow attacks. As it is likely to be difficult, you will already know what to expect from this point in terms of ordinary movements. It is always better to go around the Shi’a when it is trying to attack and stick to some attacks when it gets stuck in the animation.

Throughout the fight, the key to focusing on more weak points. Technically, the monster has no one, but remember that it is Heads, wings and foreggs can be broken. It is unlikely that you will have time to break its tail, so I will recommend primarily focusing on forecasts and wings.

In the case of elementary attacks, you have to see FirelightWhich causes your health to temporarily eliminate, and Thunder lightWhich temporarily makes you easy to stain. Falling repeatedly will eliminate any condition, or you can use A Messy. In terms of skill, you can counter the firelight Resistance to fire And Blite resistanceAnd both Thunder resistance And Blite resistance The Thunder Light will be helped.

Max You won’t be able to use nets During this battle, because none of them will have an influence on the Shia. Good luck!

Zoo Shia Hunt's Last Battle Screen

Photo: Polygon via Capecum

As it stands, Zoo Shia does not have a coach seat or weapon, so you will not see specific parts of the monster as a drop. Rather, the drops are related to guardian.

If you are wondering what Zoo Shia falls Monster Hunter Wildes Are, you can find a simple list below:





Guardian scaleTarget Rewards (X1/15 %). Broken section prizes (x2/100 %). The wound destroyed the prize (X1/50 %). MAKE (X1/50 %)5 starsl/r forlegs
Guardian paletteTarget Rewards (X1/15 %). Broken section prizes (x2/100 %). MAKE (X1/30 %)5 starsl/r Wingermus
SupervisorTarget Rewards (X1/20 %). Broken section prizes (X1/100 %). The wound destroyed the prize (X1/50 %). Maker (X1/20 %). Cutted parts (1x/100 %)4 starsHead, tail
Nourishing squeezeTarget Rewards (X1/30 %)3 starsn/a
A hard guardian boneTarget Rewards (X1/20 %)2 starsn/a

If you are looking for other creatures to fight Monster Hunter WildesOur list of monster provides a complete path to each encounter, while we have a specific leader for Dushagoma, Gore Magala, Laha Barina, Jin Dahd, No Odra, Ray Dao, Guardian Arcold, and Ajarkin.

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